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RRC South Eastern Railway Recruitment November 2013 - 3136 Group - D Vacancies

Railway Recruitment Cell, South Eastern Railway are invited  applications for recruitment to the post of Group - D in Pay Band-I ( Rs. 5200-20200/-) with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/-, as per the details given below.
Name of Post :- Group D in in Pay Band-I 
No. of  Vacancies:-3136
Employment Notice No-SER/RRC/OM/01/2013
Scale of Pay :- Pay Band-I (Rs. 5200-20200/-) with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/-
Qualification :- The candidate should be minimum 10th Pass or ITI or equivalent on the date of application. Candidates appearing and/or awaiting results of final examination of Class 10th or ITI or equivalent on the date of application are not eligible to apply.
Ex-SM who have retired after putting in 15 years of service and have passed Army Class-I certificate or equivalent will be considered eligible.
Age:- For all the above vacancies, the normal age limit (in completed years) will be 18 to 33 years and will be reckoned as on 01-01-2014. (Relaxation = SC/ST - 5 years; OBC- 3 years; PH- 10 years;)
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for all categories. : Passing the PET is mandatory and the same will be qualifying in nature. The candidates should be able to perform the following physical test;Medical
For Male candidates Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres
in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance
For Female candidates Should be able to run for a distance of 400 metres in 3 minutes and 10 seconds in one chance
Last date  of  receipt of the complete application is 25-11-2013

Examination Fee (Non-Refundable) :- 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) is to be paid in the form of crossed Demand Draft from StateBank of India or any other Nationalized Bank or crossed IPO from any Post Office drawn in favour of the “FA&CAO, South Eastern Railway, 11 Garden Reach Road, Kolkata-700043 payable at “KOLKATA”. Remittance of examination fee in any other form shall not be accepted. These instruments should not have been issued earlier to date of notification.
The following categories are exempt from payment of Application Fee:
(i) Candidates belonging to SC/ST communities.
(ii) Women candidates.
(iii) Candidates belonging to minority communities i.e. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians’ (Parsis).
(iv) Candidates belonging to economically backward classes having annual family income of less than `.50000/-.
(v) Persons with Disabilities.
(vi) Ex-Servicemen

How to Apply :- Interested & Eligible Candidates may Apply. Prescribed  application form available on  below link. Applications not made in the specified format shall be rejected. 
The Application Form should be made on good quality, white, A-4 size paper on a single sheet using ONE SIDE ONLY. Newspaper cuttings should not be used as applications.
Candidates (including PH candidates) must fill up the required information in Black/Blue Ball Point pen in his/her own handwriting.
Applications should be written either in English or Hindi or not in any other Language. Only one language (either English or Hindi) should be used for filling all the columns. Application must be duly dated and signed by the candidate.
Overwriting, cutting, erasing in the AF will lead to rejection of application.
The photograph should be of size 4.5 x 3.5 cm. and should be in colour and unattested. The photograph should be taken without wearing coloured glasses, scarf, or Cap and face of the candidate should be clearly visible. The photograph should not be of more than one month old and should not bear any marks or signature. Applications containing scanned/edited
photographs shall be summarily rejected.
Do not keep any column unfilled. If any column is not related to the candidate, please write N.A. (Not Applicable) in the appropriate box.
Non-compliance of any of the aforesaid instructions will result in rejection of the application.
The Application, complete in all respect along with required enclosures in prescribed format, may be sent by “ORDINARY POST” only to the “Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, South Eastern Railway, 11, Garden
Reach Road, 1st Floor, Bungalow No 12 A, Kolkata-700043 or, dropped in the Application Box kept in the ground floor of above mentioned address on or before the closing date. Applications sent through Speed post/Courier/Registered AD will not be acknowledged /accepted.
The envelope containing application should be clearly super scribed “Application for Recruitment in Pay Band-I `. 5200- 20200/- with GP `.1800/- South Eastern Railway” along with the community/ category as applicable i.e. SC/ ST/ OBC/ UR/ PWD
(PH)/ Ex-SM.  
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