Airports Authority
Of India, Eastern Region are
invited applications for recruitment to the post of Senior Assistant (Official
Language) In (Ne-6) Category, as per the details given below.
Name of Post :- Senior Assistant (Official Language)
of Pay :- 14,500 to 33,500/-
Age:- Between 18 years to 30 years
Essential Educational
qualification and experience :- “Post
Graduate degree in Hindi with English as a subject at the Graduate level or Post
Graduate degree in English with Hindi as
a subject at the Graduate ievel’ or
“Post Graduate degree from a recognized University in any subject
other than Hindi/ English, along with Hindi and English as compulsory/Optional subject at Graduate level’ or “Post Graduate degree from a recognized University in any subject
other than Hindi / English, along with Hindi / English Medium and English / Thndi
as Compulsory / Optional subject or as a medium of examination at Graduate level.
That is if at Graduate level the medium is Hindi then English should be a compulsory
/ Optional subject and if English is the medium Hindi should be a compulsory / Optional
subject. or
“Graduate degree from a recognized University along with Hindi and English as compulsory / optional subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and the other a compulsory / optional subject, p1iis a recognized Diploma / Gertficate course in Translation from Hindi to English and English to Hindi or two years’ experience of Translation ;vork from Hindi to English and English to Hindi in central / State Govt. Offices including Govt. of India Undertakings or recognized Organizations etc.
“Graduate degree from a recognized University along with Hindi and English as compulsory / optional subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and the other a compulsory / optional subject, p1iis a recognized Diploma / Gertficate course in Translation from Hindi to English and English to Hindi or two years’ experience of Translation ;vork from Hindi to English and English to Hindi in central / State Govt. Offices including Govt. of India Undertakings or recognized Organizations etc.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):- The applicants, who have already applied for the same and now wish to submit the other qualification details in accordance with the corrigendum, have to Submit new application without DD but earlier DD no. and date to be indicated in the form.
Fresh applications are also invited from candidates who have requisite qualification for the said post as mentioned in the corrigendum along with the demand draft of Rs. 100/- .
How to Apply :- Interested & Eligible Candidates may Apply. Prescribed application form available on below link. completed application should be send to The Jt.GM(HR), New OperationI Building, Eastern Region, Airports Authority of India, NSCBI Airport, Kolkata — 700052.
Last Date of Submission of Application is on Or Before 07.04.2014
How to Apply :- Interested & Eligible Candidates may Apply. Prescribed application form available on below link. completed application should be send to The Jt.GM(HR), New OperationI Building, Eastern Region, Airports Authority of India, NSCBI Airport, Kolkata — 700052.
Last Date of Submission of Application is on Or Before 07.04.2014
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