Life Insurance Corporation Housing Finance Ltd. are invited online applications for Recruitment to the Posts of Assistants, as per the details given below.
of Post :- Assistants
No. of Vacancies:- 100
[Central Region :- Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesdh, Chhatisgarh, Uttarakhand – 15
Eastern Region:- Bihar, West Bengal,Orissa, Jharkhand,
Asssam, Sikkim –10
Northern Region :- Punjab, Haryana, Delhi NCR, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh – 10
South Central Region :- Karnataka– 20
South Eastern Region :- Andhra Pradesh–15
Southern Region :- Tamilnadu, Kerala, Pondicherry – 15
Western Region :- Maharashtra,Goa, Gujrat
– 15]
Scale of Pay :- The starting
basic pay of Rs. 7400/- per month in the scale of 7400-455(1)-7855-
495(2)-8845-560(5)-11645-650(2)-12945-790(3)-15315-825(2)-16965 and other
admissible allowances per rules shall be payable.
Total emoluments will be approximately Rs. 15527/-
(depends upon the place of posting) plus Sodexho Coupons as per rules. Other
benefits include PF, Gratuity, LTC, Medical Benefit, Group Saving Linked
Insurance (GSLI), Group Personal Accident Insurance, PL Encashment, Vehicle
Advance (2 Wheeler), Housing Loan, PL Encashment as per rules and Performance
Linked Incentives.
:- Graduate in
any discipline from a recognized University/Board (with minimum 50% marks).
will be given to candidates having knowledge of computer
Age:- (As
on 01.02.2014) Not below 21
years and not above 35 years as on 01.02.2014 i.e. candidates
must have been born not earlier than 02.02.1979 and
not later than 01.02.1993 (both dates inclusive). (Relaxation = SC/ST - 5
years; OBC- 3 years; PH- 10 years;)
Option I: Payment of Application Fee via Online
Candidates should fill in the details in the
On-Line Application at the appropriate places very carefully and click on “SUBMIT”
button at the end of the On-line Application format. Before pressing the “SUBMIT”
button, candidates are advised to verify every field filled in the application.
A provisional Registration Number and Password will be generated by the system and
displayed on the screen. Candidate should note down the Registration Number and
Password. An email & SMS indicating the Provisional Registration number and
Password will also be sent. The name of the candidate or his/her father/husband
etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/mark
sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify
the candidature. At the time of On-line exam, the acceptable identity proof should
also bear the same name.
The application form is integrated with the
payment gateway and the payment process can be completed by following the instructions.
The payment can be made by using only Master/Visa
Debit or Credit cards or Internet Banking by providing information as asked on the
In case candidates wish to pay fee through online
payment gateway after the upload of photograph
and signature an additional page of the application is displayed wherein candidates
may follow the
instructions and fill in the requisite details.
If the online transaction has not been successfully
completed then the following message is displayed ‘Your online transaction was unsuccessful.
Please register again.’ Candidates may then revisit the ‘Apply Online’ link and fill in their application details again.
(i) On successful completion of the registration, a registration number and password will be generated. Candidates should note their registration number and password.
(ii) If the online transaction has been successfully completed, an e- receipt will be generated. Candidates are required to take print out of e-receipt.
Option 2: Payment of Application Fee via Offline Mode (at counters of SBI branches)
(i) Follow Step (i) given under OPTION- I above
(ii) The application fee (non- refundable) payable for all the candidates is Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) in cash only. System generated fee payment challan will be used for depositing fee. Fee payment will be accepted from 2nd working day after registration and can be made within three working days then after at any branch of State Bank of India. Applicant can refer to SBI website for the address of nearest SBI branch. Once fee is paid, the registration process is completed. Candidate should ensure State Bank of India Branch Code, Journal Number along with Branch Seal on the Candidates copy of the challan. Candidates are advised to preserve the fee payment challan with them for reference and use in future.
(iii) Candidates will receive confirmation of registration by SMS/Email after two working days from the date of payment of fees. There is also a provision to reprint the submitted application containing fee details, after three days from the date of fee payment.
How to Apply :- Interested & Eligible Candidates may Apply Online at below link under the heading “Careers”. No other means/mode of applications will be accepted.
Candidates satisfying the conditions of eligibility as on 01.02.2014
are required to log in to the LIC HFL’s website and click on the “Careers” and go
to “Job Opportunities” to open the page “RECRUITMENT OF ASSITANTS”, option is available
on the page to view detailed advertisement and also to Apply Online, which will
redirects the candidates to the on-line registration page. The candidate is required
to keep details about bio-data ready to enable him/her to fill up the application
form correctly. The name of the candidate or his/her father/husband etc. should
be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificate/mark sheets.
At the time of online exam, the acceptable identity proof should also bear the same
Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a
scanned (digital) image of his/her photograph and signature as per the specifications
given in Annexure- I. See guidelines mentioned in the second last page for scanning
photograph and signature.
In the event of the candidate not able to fill the data in one
go, candidate can save the data already entered. When the data is saved, provisional
registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on
the screen. Candidate should note down the provisional registration number and password.
Email/SMS indicating the provisional Registration Number and Password will be sent.
Candidates can reopen the saved data using provisional Registration Number and Password
and edit the particulars, if needed. The facility will be available for three times
in all. Once the application is filled completely, candidate should submit the data and pay fees to complete
the registration process.
Starting of on-line registration and payment of fees (On-Line) – 28.02.2014
Starting of payment of fees (Off-line) [Through Pre-printed Challan] – 03.03.2014
End of on-line registration and payment of fees (On-line) – 12.03.2014
End of payment of fees (Off-line) [Through Pre-printed Challan] – 18.03.2014
Downloading of call letters for On-Line Examination – 29.03.2014 (tentative)
On-Line Examination – 06.04.2014 (tentative)
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