Government of India, Ministry of Railways, Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB) are invited applications for Recruitment to the various posts of Teachers / Ministerial and Isolated categories, as per the details given below.
Indian Railways Centralised Employment Notice No. 03/2014
Name of Vacancies :- 376 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-30 years
Name of Post :- Stenographer / Junior Stenographer (English)
Name of Vacancies :- 599 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-30 years
Name of Post :- Chief Law Assistant / Law Assistant
Name of Vacancies :- 43 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-40 years
Name of Post :- Junior Translator (Hindi)
Name of Vacancies :- 82 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-33 years
Name of Post :- Staff and Welfare Inspector
Name of Vacancies :- 56 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-33 years
Name of Post :- Librarian
Name of Vacancies :- 02 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-30 years
Name of Post :- Library Information Assistant
Name of Vacancies :- 04 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-33 years
Name of Post :- Catering Inspector (Commercial) / Catering Inspector Gr. II/ Catering Inspector / Catering Superintendent Gr. I
Name of Vacancies :- 60 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-33 years
Name of Post :- Catering Inspector (Commercial) / Catering Inspector Gr. II/ Assistant Catering Manager/ Catering Supervisor Gr. III/ Assistant Canteen Manager
Name of Vacancies :- 49 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2000/ 1900,
Age Limit:- Between 18-30 years
Name of Post :- Commercial Cook/ Head Cook
Name of Vacancies :- 17 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2800,
Age Limit:- Between 20-35 years
Name of Post :- Horticulture Supervisor / Horticulture Inspector
Name of Vacancies :- 08 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-33 years
Name of Post :- Field Man (Horticulture)
Name of Vacancies :- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 1900/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18 - 33 years
Name of Post :- Publicity Inspector
Name of Vacancies :- 04 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-33 years
Name of Post :- Senior Publicity Inspector
Name of Vacancies :- 03 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-33 years
Name of Post :- Finger Print Examiner
Name of Vacancies :- 06 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-35 years
Name of Post :- Photographer
Name of Vacancies :- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-33 years
Name of Post :- Scientific Supervisor Ergonomics & Training
Name of Vacancies :- 02 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-35 years
Name of Post :- Scientific Supervisor Psycho
Name of Vacancies :- 02 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-35 years
Name of Post :- Scientific Assistant Gr.I (Training)
Name of Vacancies :- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-35 years
Name of Post :- Artist (Psycho)
Name of Vacancies :- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-33 years
Name of Post :- Lab Assistant - III (Workshop)
Name of Vacancies :- 06 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 1900/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-30 years
Name of Post :- Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) (English)
Name of Vacancies:- 02 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) (Science)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Primary Teacher (PRT)
Name of Vacancies:- 10 posts in various RRB,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Assistant Mistress (PGT) Chemistry (Female)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Assistant Master (PGT) Geography (Male)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Assistant Mistress (PGT) History (Female)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. I (Biology)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. II (English)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. II (Math) English Medium
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. II (Physical Training Instructor)
Name of Vacancies:- 03 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. IV (English)
Name of Vacancies:- 04 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. IV Science English Medium
Name of Vacancies:- 04 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. IV Mathematics English Medium
Name of Vacancies:- 05 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. IV History English Medium
Name of Vacancies:- 03 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. IV Economics English Medium
Name of Vacancies:- 02 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. IV Commerce English Medium
Name of Vacancies:- 03 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age : 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr. IV Tamil Language English Medium
Name of Vacancies:- 02 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 18-45 years
Name of Post :- Primary Teacher
Name of Vacancies :- 29 posts,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Post Graduate Teacher Mathematics (Bengali Medium School)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Craft Teacher (English Medium Inter College)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Music Teacher (English Medium Inter College)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Post Graduate Teacher Physics (English Medium School)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Post Graduate Teacher History (English Medium School)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Trained Graduate Teacher (Arts) (Bengali Medium High School / Higher Secondary School)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Physical Training Instructor (PTI) (Hindi Medium)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Post Graduate Teacher Chemistry (English Medium School)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Name of Post :- Teacher Gr.I Malayalam Language (Malayalam Medium School)
Name of Vacancies:- 01 post,
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-,
Age Limit:- Between 20-45 years
Eligibility Criteria :– All applicants must fulfill the
essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the
advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at
least the essential qualifications laid down for various posts. No enquiry asking for advice
as to eligibility will be entertained.
Stenographer / Junior Stenographer (English) :– Matriculation plus speed of 80 words per minute in shorthand (English) for a duration of 10 minutes and transcription time 65 minutes.
Chief Law Assistant/ Law Assistant :– A University Degree in Law with 3 years standing practice as a Pleader at Bar. Serving Railway employees who are Law Graduates are also eligible to apply for these posts, provided they have served for at least 5 years in any Branch of the Railway Administration. Vacancies earmarked for Direct Recruitment should also be available to the Railway Magistrates who are desirous of applying for such posts and who fulfill the prescribed qualification for the direct recruits.
Translator (Hindi) :– Master's Degree of recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at Degree level. OR Master's Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi or English medium and English or Hindi as compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at Degree level. (OR) Master's Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at Degree level. (AND) Recognized Diploma or Certificate Course in translation form Hindi to English and vice-versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central or State Government offices, including Government of India Undertaking.
Staff & Welfare Inspector :– Graduation + any one of the following qualification: Diploma in Labour/Social welfare or LLB with Labour Laws or Diploma in Labour Laws or PG Diploma in Personnel Management or MBA with paper in Personnel Management, awarded by an institution recognized by Govt, of India.
Librarian :– Matriculation plus Certificate for Library Training from recognized institution.
Library Information Assistant :– Degree from a recognised University or equivalent. Degree in Library Science (B.Lib.) from a recognized University or equivalent.
Catering Inspector Grade-II / Catering Supervisor Grade-I :– Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent. Diploma in catering from a recognized institute. Two year experience in reputed Hotel will be a desirable qualification.
Catering Inspector / Catering Supervisor Grade-III /Assistant Canteen Manager :– Matriculation or its equivalent. Diploma in Catering preferable.
Commercial Cook / Head Cook :– Matriculation with crafts ship in cookery.
Horticulture Supervisor :– Matriculation or its equivalent with three year experience in Horticulture in a Govt. Or Semi Govt. Deptt. Or B.Sc. (Agriculture) Or Horticulture Or B.Sc. with one of the subject as Botany.
Horticulture Inspector :– Degree in Agriculture from a recognized University.
Field Man (horticulture) :– B.Sc. (Agriculture) Horticulture OR Diploma in Horticulture, OR Agriculture with special training in ornamental plants.
Publicity Inspector :– Graduation with Diploma in Public Relations/ Advertising /Journalism/ Mass Communication from a recognized university.
Senior Publicity Inspector :– Degree from recognized university and Diploma in Public Relations/ Advertising / Journalism/ Mass communication from a reorganized institution/ University. Desirable: Two year experience in the related fields.
Finger Print Examiner :– Matriculation or its equivalent with certificate issued by the All India Board for examination of Finger Print Experts conducted by the Government of India.
Photographer :– Matriculation or its equivalent. Diploma in photography/Digital Photography/Videography from a recognized/ reputed institute in India & Diploma certificate in computer aided photo/video editing from recognized reputed institute.
Scientific Supervisor :– Second Class Master's Degree in Psychology or Physiology. with Two Years Experience in concerned Discipline.
Scientific Assistant (Training) :– Second Class Master's Degree in Psychology/ One year experience in administration of Psychological tests. Desirable - a) Knowledge of Computers & Statistics. b) Specialization in Industrial/Organizational & Psychology.
Artist (Psycho) :– Bachelors Degree with either Psychology or Statistics as one of the subjects. One year experience in multimedia applications and Desktop Publishing.
Lab Assistant-III (Workshop) :– Matric (Science)+Diploma/Certificate in Lab Technology (Including DMLT)or 10+2 with Science.
Trained Graduate Teachers :– Second Class Bachelor's degree in concerned discipline from a recognized University. University Degree/Diploma in education/ teaching OR 4 Years integrated degree/ course from regional colleges of education of NCERT. Competence to teach in Hindi/English medium of CBSE pattern.
Primary Teacher :– Higher Secondary with JBT (2 yrs) or equivalent OR Intermediate with JBT (1 year) or its equivalent OR Sr. Secondary (plus 2) examination with JBT (1 Year) or Its equivalent.
Assistant Mistress / Master (PGT) :– Second Class Master's Degree in required Discipline. University Degree/ Diploma in Education/ Teaching or Integrated two years of Post Graduate Course of Regional College of education of NCERT. Competence to teach in English Medium School.
Teacher Grade-II :– Graduation and 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) (or) Graduation in with atleast 50 % marks and one year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) (or) Graduation with atleast 45 % marks and one year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) in accordance with the NCTE (recognition norms and procedure) regulations issued from time to time in this regard. (or) 4) Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 4 years Bachelor of Elementary education (B.EI. Ed) (or) Senior Secondary (or its equivelent) with atleast 50% marks and 4 years BA / BSc. or BA Ed./BSc. Ed. (or) Graduation in English with at least 50 % marks and one year B.Ed (Special Education) AND Pass in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the guildlines framed by the NCTE for the purpose. AND Competence to teach through English medium as required.
Teacher Grade-IV :– Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 45% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary
Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2002 OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 4 years bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI .Ed.)OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Education (Special Education) OR Graduation and two year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) AND Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the guild lines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.
Craft Teacher :– (1) Higher Secondary from recognized Board/ University (2) Two years Diploma certificate of Training in Trade concerned from ITI or any other recognised Institution. (3) Preferable, two years professional experience in any Government Institution or a concern of repute. (4) Competent to teach in English Medium.
Music Teacher :– (1) B.A. Degree with Music as one of the Subject from a recognized University. (2) Competent to teach in English Medium.
Physical Training Instructor :– 2nd class Bechelor Degree from any recognized University with Diploma in Physical Training from a recognized Institution or B.P.Ed from a recognized University and Higher Secondary. Competence to impart Physical Education through Hindi Medium.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable) :- Rs.100/- for the General and OBC candidates. No examination fees for SC / ST / Ex-Servicemen / Physically Handicapped / Women / Minorities / Economically backward classes candidates having annual family income less than Rs. 50000/-.
Educational Qualifications:–
Stenographer / Junior Stenographer (Hindi) :– Matriculation plus shorthand in Hindi (80 words per minute) for a duration time of 10 minutes and transcription time 75 minutes.Stenographer / Junior Stenographer (English) :– Matriculation plus speed of 80 words per minute in shorthand (English) for a duration of 10 minutes and transcription time 65 minutes.
Chief Law Assistant/ Law Assistant :– A University Degree in Law with 3 years standing practice as a Pleader at Bar. Serving Railway employees who are Law Graduates are also eligible to apply for these posts, provided they have served for at least 5 years in any Branch of the Railway Administration. Vacancies earmarked for Direct Recruitment should also be available to the Railway Magistrates who are desirous of applying for such posts and who fulfill the prescribed qualification for the direct recruits.
Translator (Hindi) :– Master's Degree of recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at Degree level. OR Master's Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi or English medium and English or Hindi as compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at Degree level. (OR) Master's Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at Degree level. (AND) Recognized Diploma or Certificate Course in translation form Hindi to English and vice-versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central or State Government offices, including Government of India Undertaking.
Staff & Welfare Inspector :– Graduation + any one of the following qualification: Diploma in Labour/Social welfare or LLB with Labour Laws or Diploma in Labour Laws or PG Diploma in Personnel Management or MBA with paper in Personnel Management, awarded by an institution recognized by Govt, of India.
Librarian :– Matriculation plus Certificate for Library Training from recognized institution.
Library Information Assistant :– Degree from a recognised University or equivalent. Degree in Library Science (B.Lib.) from a recognized University or equivalent.
Catering Inspector Grade-II / Catering Supervisor Grade-I :– Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent. Diploma in catering from a recognized institute. Two year experience in reputed Hotel will be a desirable qualification.
Catering Inspector / Catering Supervisor Grade-III /Assistant Canteen Manager :– Matriculation or its equivalent. Diploma in Catering preferable.
Commercial Cook / Head Cook :– Matriculation with crafts ship in cookery.
Horticulture Supervisor :– Matriculation or its equivalent with three year experience in Horticulture in a Govt. Or Semi Govt. Deptt. Or B.Sc. (Agriculture) Or Horticulture Or B.Sc. with one of the subject as Botany.
Horticulture Inspector :– Degree in Agriculture from a recognized University.
Field Man (horticulture) :– B.Sc. (Agriculture) Horticulture OR Diploma in Horticulture, OR Agriculture with special training in ornamental plants.
Publicity Inspector :– Graduation with Diploma in Public Relations/ Advertising /Journalism/ Mass Communication from a recognized university.
Senior Publicity Inspector :– Degree from recognized university and Diploma in Public Relations/ Advertising / Journalism/ Mass communication from a reorganized institution/ University. Desirable: Two year experience in the related fields.
Finger Print Examiner :– Matriculation or its equivalent with certificate issued by the All India Board for examination of Finger Print Experts conducted by the Government of India.
Photographer :– Matriculation or its equivalent. Diploma in photography/Digital Photography/Videography from a recognized/ reputed institute in India & Diploma certificate in computer aided photo/video editing from recognized reputed institute.
Scientific Supervisor :– Second Class Master's Degree in Psychology or Physiology. with Two Years Experience in concerned Discipline.
Scientific Assistant (Training) :– Second Class Master's Degree in Psychology/ One year experience in administration of Psychological tests. Desirable - a) Knowledge of Computers & Statistics. b) Specialization in Industrial/Organizational & Psychology.
Artist (Psycho) :– Bachelors Degree with either Psychology or Statistics as one of the subjects. One year experience in multimedia applications and Desktop Publishing.
Lab Assistant-III (Workshop) :– Matric (Science)+Diploma/Certificate in Lab Technology (Including DMLT)or 10+2 with Science.
Trained Graduate Teachers :– Second Class Bachelor's degree in concerned discipline from a recognized University. University Degree/Diploma in education/ teaching OR 4 Years integrated degree/ course from regional colleges of education of NCERT. Competence to teach in Hindi/English medium of CBSE pattern.
Primary Teacher :– Higher Secondary with JBT (2 yrs) or equivalent OR Intermediate with JBT (1 year) or its equivalent OR Sr. Secondary (plus 2) examination with JBT (1 Year) or Its equivalent.
Assistant Mistress / Master (PGT) :– Second Class Master's Degree in required Discipline. University Degree/ Diploma in Education/ Teaching or Integrated two years of Post Graduate Course of Regional College of education of NCERT. Competence to teach in English Medium School.
Teacher Grade-II :– Graduation and 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) (or) Graduation in with atleast 50 % marks and one year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) (or) Graduation with atleast 45 % marks and one year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) in accordance with the NCTE (recognition norms and procedure) regulations issued from time to time in this regard. (or) 4) Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 4 years Bachelor of Elementary education (B.EI. Ed) (or) Senior Secondary (or its equivelent) with atleast 50% marks and 4 years BA / BSc. or BA Ed./BSc. Ed. (or) Graduation in English with at least 50 % marks and one year B.Ed (Special Education) AND Pass in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the guildlines framed by the NCTE for the purpose. AND Competence to teach through English medium as required.
Teacher Grade-IV :– Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 45% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary
Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2002 OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 4 years bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI .Ed.)OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Education (Special Education) OR Graduation and two year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) AND Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the guild lines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.
Craft Teacher :– (1) Higher Secondary from recognized Board/ University (2) Two years Diploma certificate of Training in Trade concerned from ITI or any other recognised Institution. (3) Preferable, two years professional experience in any Government Institution or a concern of repute. (4) Competent to teach in English Medium.
Music Teacher :– (1) B.A. Degree with Music as one of the Subject from a recognized University. (2) Competent to teach in English Medium.
Physical Training Instructor :– 2nd class Bechelor Degree from any recognized University with Diploma in Physical Training from a recognized Institution or B.P.Ed from a recognized University and Higher Secondary. Competence to impart Physical Education through Hindi Medium.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable) :- Rs.100/- for the General and OBC candidates. No examination fees for SC / ST / Ex-Servicemen / Physically Handicapped / Women / Minorities / Economically backward classes candidates having annual family income less than Rs. 50000/-.
How to Apply :- Interested & Eligible
Candidates may Apply. Prescribed application form available on below link. Completed
application in all respect along with the copies of self attested relevant
certificates should be send to applied for RRB.
Application in the prescribed format may kindly be send by 10/11/2014 and last date for candidates fro far-flung areas is 25/11/2014.
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