Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) are invited applications for Recruitment to the post of 790 Constable (Fire) in various States, as per the details given below.
Name of Post:- Constable (Fire)
No. of Vacancies:- 549
Name of Post:- Constable (Fire)
No. of Vacancies:- 241
Scale of Pay:- Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000/-
Qualification:- Matriculation or 10th Pass with Science subject. Educational certificates other than State Board/ Central Board should be accompanied with Govt. of India notification declaring that such qualification is equivalent to Matric/10th class pass for service under Central Govt.
Age Limit:- Between 18 years to 23 years as on 27-01-2015
Physical Standards: -
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Height in Cms
Chest in Cms
Height in Cms
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For Assistant Sub Inspector/Exe :
For Candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh and Ladakh regions of Jammu and Kashmir
For Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes
For Head Constable/GD
For Hillman and Tribesman, namely Gorkhas, Garhwalies, Kumaunese, Dogras, Marathas, Adivasis
Weight:- Proportionate to height and age as per medical standard. Weight will be recorded at the time of physical measurements but the decision on fitness on account of weight will be taken at the time of medical examination.
Eye sight:- The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of two eyes without correction i.e. without wearing of glasses. The candidate should possess high Colour Vision.
Medical Standard:- Candidates should not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes, bow legs, inability to close the left eye, Inability to flex the fingers properly and any other obvious deformities. He must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with efficient performance of the duties.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):- Rs.50/- (Rupees fifty only) in the form of Postal Order drawn in favour of the officer mentioned under column 3 below and payable at the post office as mentioned under column 4. SC/ST candidates are exempted from application fee.
Candidates belonging to the States
Name of the Officer to whom
application should be sent
Postal Order on account of application
fee required to be drawn in favour of
Name of the post office where postal
order will be payable
Bihar, Orissa and Jharkhand.
DIG, CISF (East Zone) Patliputra Near
Raj Chikitsa, Boring Road, Patna Bihar – 800013
Assistant Commandant/DDO CISF East
Zone, Patna
GPO Patna
MP, Maharastra, Chattisgarh, Goa,
Gujrat, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli
DIG, CISF (West Zone) CISF Complex, Sector – 35 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharastra – 410210
Assistant Commandant/DDO CISF West
Zone, Navi Mumbai
GPO Mumbai
Delhi, Haryana, HP, J&K,
Rajasthan, Punjab and Chandigarh
DIG, CISF (North Zone-I) CISF Campus,
Saket, Post : Malaviya Nagar, New Delhi – 110017
PAO CISF New Delhi
GPO New Delhi
UP and Uttarakhand
DIG, CISF (North Zone-II) D-729, GTB
Nagar, Kareli, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh PIN – 211016
Assistant Commandant/DDO CISF, North
Zone-II, Allahabad
GPO Allahabad
TN, Aandhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Kerala, Pudducheri and Lakshadweep
DIG, CISF (South Zone) Rajaji Bhawan, ‘D’ Block, Besant Nagar, Chennai, Tamilnadu – 600090
Assistant Commandant/DDO CISF South
Zone Chennai
GPO Chennai
WB, Sikkim, Manipur, Meghalaya,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam Tripura and Andman & Nicobar.
DIG. CISF (North East Zone) Premises
No.553, East Kolkata-Township Kasba, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700107
AssistantCommandant/ DDO CISF North
East Zone Kolkata
GPO Kolkata
Candidate should submit their application only as mentioned against their State of domicile. Application submitted to other authorities shall not be entertained and summarilly rejected.
How to Apply:- Interested & Eligible Candidates may Apply. Prescribed application form available on below link. Completed application in all respect along with the copies of attested relevant certificates should be reach the concerned Zonal DIG of CISF as shown in the above.
Last Date to reach complete application in above address along with attested copy of all documents is 27-01-2015. and in case of residents of North East region by 03-02-2015. No application will be entertained which is received after the due date.
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