Indian Army are invited applications from
married/unmarried MALE and unmarried FEMALE candidates and also from Wards
of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel, for grant of Short
Service Commission in the Indian Army under NCC Special Entry Scheme 38th
Course – Oct 2015, as per the details given below.
Name of Course:- NCC
Special Entry Scheme 38th Course – Oct, 2015
No. of Vacancies:- (a)
NCC Men 50 (45 for Gen Category and 05 for Wards of Battle Casualties of
Army Personnel only).
(b) NCC Women 04 (10% vacancies of Women are reserved for Wards of
Casualty of Army Personnel only).
Qualification:- (a) For NCC ‘C’
Certificate Holders.
(i) Educational Qualification. (aa) Degree of a recognized
University or equivalent with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into
account marks of all the years. (ab) Those studying in final year are also
allowed to apply provided they have secured minimum 50% aggregate marks in
the first two/three years. Such students will need to secure overall
aggregate of minimum 50% marks if selected in interview failing which
their candidature will be cancelled. The candidate must possess
graduation degree at the time of joining training at Officers Training
Academy (OTA). The candidates studying in the final year of graduation
must pass degree examination with minimum 50% marks before the commencement
of the course and should be able to produce the degree within 12 weeks
from the date of commencement of training at OTA. Such candidates will be
inducted for training at OTA on additional bond basis for recovery of the
cost of training as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay
and allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite degree
certificate. Candidate should attach attested photocopies of the
certificate of 10th class for age proof, Degree with all years/semesters
marks sheets and NCC ‘C’ Certificate. Candidate should also attach
certificate with their applications regarding CGPA
converted to aggregate percentage of marks as per university rules
from their institutes.
(ii) Service in NCC. Should have served for minimum two academic
years in the senior Division/Wing of NCC.
(iii) Grading. Should have obtained minimum of ‘B’ Grade in ‘C’
Certificate Exam of NCC.
(b) For Ward of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel Only. (i)
Educational Qualification. Degree of a recognized University or equivalent
with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all the
years. (ii) NCC ‘C’ certificate not required.
(iii) Applicants under category of Wards of Battle Casualties to
send their applications direct to Dte Gen of Recruiting/ Rtg-A, NCC Entry,
AG’s Branch, IHQ of MoD (Army)’ West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New
Delhi-110066. (iv) Eligibility for wards of battle casualties and also
document to be attached alongwith the application form are as under.
(aa) A letter to the effect that the parent has been killed/wounded
/ reported missing in action issued by MP Dte/Respective Regimental
Records and a copy of Part II Order notifying injuries and being
classified as battle casualties in case of serving/ medically boarded out
pers. (ab) The vacancies under wards of battle casualties are available to
wards (sons and daughters including legally adopted) of battle
casualties specified as (aa) Killed in action (bb) Died of wound or
injuries (Other than selfinflicted) (cc) Wounded or Injured (Other than
self-inflicted). (dd) Missing. (c) Relation Certificate issued by Records
/ MP Dte.
Physical Standards:- Height
and Weight - The minimum
acceptable height is 157.5 cms. with co-related weight and for women candidate
is 152 cms and 42 Kg. In case of candidates belonging to the North East and
Hilly Areas like Gorkhas, Nepalies, Assamies and Garhwalis, the height will
relaxed by 5 cms and weight commensurate with reduced height. In case of
candidates from Lakshadweep the minimum acceptable height can be reduced by 2
Eye Sight - Distant
Vision (corrected) better eye 6/6, worse eye 6/18, myopia of not more than
minus 3.50 for men and 5.50 for women including astigmatism.
Age Limit:- For NCC candidates
(including Wards of Battle Casualties)19 to 25 years (born not earlier
than 02 Jul 90 and not later than 01 Jul 96).
How to Apply:- Interested & Eligible
Candidates may Apply. Prescribed application form available
on below link. Applications should be posted to the
nearest OC, NCC Unit from where NCC ‘C’ certificate has been
issued. Applications of Candidates serving in the Armed Forces duly counter-signed
by Commanding Officer should be sent to the OC, NCC Unit from where NCC’
‘C’ certificate has been issued.
All NCC Units will forward the applications to DDG, NCC of the
concerned State, Directorate General of Recruiting (Rtg ‘A’), Integrated
Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), reserves the right to
shortlist applications on the basis of grade obtained by the candidates in
NCC ‘C’ certificate examination/ percentage of marks in degree
DDG, NCC States will process all applications and forward them to
Dte Gen NCC. Special emphasis will be laid on the following points: -
(i) Check date of birth from class X Certificate, (ii) Check
Degree/Provisional degree is from a University recognized by AIU. (iii)
Check marks sheets of all years/semesters and ensure that candidate has
minimum 50% marks in the aggregate for all three/four years and in case of
final year students 50% marks in aggregate for two/three years. (iv) Check
NCC ‘C’ Certificate with minimum ‘B’ Grading. (g) The last date for
receipt of applications is as under: The Last date for receipt of
applications is as under :-
Last Date of Receipt of Application in Rtg Dte for Wards of battle
casualties is 12 Feb 2015.
Last date for receipt of application at NCC Bn - 27 Jan 2015.
Last date for receipt of application at NCC Gp HQ - 06 Feb 2015.
Last date for receipt of application at DG NCC - 27 Feb 2015.
Last date for receipt of application at Rtg Dte from Dte Gen NCC-
13 Mar 2015.
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