Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC) are
invited applications for Recruitment to the 72 post of Inspectors
Of School & Lecturer, as per the details given below.
Name of Post:- Inspector of Schools Group B
Qualification:- Master’s Degree/Honours
Degree in any subject securing at least 45%marks from any recognized University
with good academic records. A relaxation of 5% marks shall be allowed to the
ST/SC candidate And B.T./ B.Ed. from any recognized University/T.Ed. [6 months
abridged course certified by Tripura University/CETE from IGNOU (6 months
certificate course)]
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9,570/- – Rs 30,000/- PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs.
3,500/- per month
No. of Vacancies:- 33
Name of Post:- Lecturer Group A
Qualification:- Bachelor’s Degree/Master’s
Degree in Engineering/Technology in the relevant branch with First Class or
equivalent from AICTE approved Institution For Engineering Branch
First class Bachelor’s Degree/Master’s Degree in Engineering/
Technology in the Branches of Textile Engineering, Garments Manufacturing
Technology/Garments Technology, Clothing Technology, M.Sc in Clothing and
Textile from AICTE approved Institution And Fashion Technology Branch
First class Master’s Degree in appropriate subject with first class
or equivalent at Bachelor’s or Master’s level from UGC affiliated Universities
Science And Humanities Branch
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 15,600/- – Rs 39,100/- with initial AGP Rs. 5,400/- per
month subject to revision by the Govt. from time to time
No. of Vacancies:- 20
Name of Post:- Information & Cultural Officer Group B
Qualification:- Degree from a recognized
University. Preference will be given to the candidates having Graduate Degree
in Mass Communication/Journalism or Graduate in any discipline with Mass
Communication/Journalism as one of the subjects from any recognized University
or post Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication/Journalism from any recognized
Institute and Knowledge of Culture and History of India with special emphasis
on Tripura.
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9,570/- – Rs 30,000/- PB-3 with Grade pay of Rs. 2600/- per
No. of Vacancies:- 08
Name of Post:- Inspecting Officer (Drugs) Group B
Qualification:- Degree in pharmacy or
pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialization in Clinical
Pharmacology or Microbiology from a university established in India by law.
Scale of Pay:- Rs 13,575/- – Rs 37,000/- PB-4 with Grade Pay of Rs 3,700/- per
No. of Vacancies:- 11
Age Limit:- Not more than 40
years as on 27.01.2015. Upper Age-limit is relaxable by 5(five) years in case
of SC, ST, Differently abled (PH) candidates and Government Servants, provided
that the Govt. servants of SC/ST/ Differently abled (PH) category shall not get
this relaxation over and above the general relaxation of 5 (five) years
available to them.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):-
For Group B – Rs.150/- only for
General Candidates and Rs. 100/- only for ST/SC/BPL card holders/Physically
Handicapped Candidates.
For Group C – Rs.100/- only for
General Candidates and Rs 50/- only for ST/SC/ BPL card holders/Physically
Handicapped Candidate.
How to Apply:- Interested & Eligible
Candidates may Apply. Prescribed application form available
on below link. Application in the prescribed form duly filled
in by the candidate and 2(two) copies of recent stamp size photographs of the
candidate affixed on the Application and Admit Card to be submitted to the
Reception Counter of the TPSC Secretariat by 5.00 PM of the closing date(27-01-2015).
Applicants may obtain the acknowledgement including Receipt Number from
reception counter of the Commission.
The candidates, who will send application by post, are also
required to attach to the application; a self-addressed Post-card indicating
the Advertisement No. and name of the post applied for. Application will be
acknowledged by the Commission by returning this card to the candidate after
indicating the Registration No. allotted to the candidate. No separate
acknowledgement other than this card will be sent to them.
Last Date to reach complete application in above
address along with attested copy of all documents is 27-01-2015.
Download Application Form Click here
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