Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) are
invited applications for Recruitment to the post of Assistant
Conservator of Forest, and Forest Ranger through State Forest Service Exam
2014., as per the details given below.
Name of Post:- Assistant Conservator of
No. of Vacancies:- 23 posts
Qualification:- Candidates must have
passed bachelor degree or its equivalent in science or engineering from any recognized University, and candidates must
have one of the subject (Natural Science (Physics, Botany, Chemistry,
Zoology), Math, Geology, Agriculture, Statistics, Environmental Science,
Horticulture, Forestry, Veterinary Science, Engineering (Agricultural/
Chemical/ Civil/ Computer/ Electrical/ Electronic/ Mechanical), and
Computer Application/ Science) as main subject.
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 1560039100/ + Grade
Pay Rs. 5400/
Name of Post:- Forest Ranger
No. of Vacancies:- 100 posts
Qualification:- Candidate should have
passed Degree in Science/ Mechanical/ Agriculture/ Forestry from any
recognized university; with at least one of the subjects (Physics, Botany,
Chemistry, Zoology, Horticulture, and Engineering) as main subject
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 930034800/
+ Grade Pay Rs. 5400/
Age Limit for both Posts:- Candidates
age should not be less than 21 years and not more than 28 years as on 01
January 2015.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):- For
SC, ST, and OBC candidates of Madhya Pradesh: Rs. 1000/ For All other
category candidates, and candidates belong to other state: Rs.2000/ Apart
from this candidates need to pay a portal fee of Rs.40 (for all candidates)
The fees can be paid through the MPOnline Kiosks or through Online
mode/ Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card as per availability of facility
and provisions of fee payment.
Candidates will have to pay Rs.50/ for Rectifying Mistakes, if
Payment - are not accepted in any form Javenge UNPAID. So after the
receipt of the applicant to ensure that the payment has been received or not
Leven, the application number, amount paid, Tronjekshn ID, payment dates, etc.
are imprinted.
How to Apply:- Interested &
Eligible Candidates may Apply Online at below link. The candidates
need to pay the requisite fees and should proceed with the filling of forms at
the MPONLINE Kiosks/ Online portal. One set of application should
be retained by the candidates for future reference.
For more detail on this recruitment as relaxation in age limit,
reservations, required physical standards, job profile, training period,
examination pattern and syllabus, step by step guidelines on how to pay the
application fee, and how to apply online, and other important information
please refer to official recruitment advertisement from Madhya Pradesh
Public Service Commission, below link. Computerized applicant received after payment receipt (Receipt)
Preserve. Duplicate Receipt number and date of birth of the applicant to fill
a form, payment status can watch your form. You can get the duplicate payment
receipt. Applicants for your Application Number Search Know Your Application
Number link.
Important Dates:- Starting Date for Online
submission of Application: 14 January 2015
Last Date for Online Submission of Application: 13 February
Starting Date for Rectifying Mistakes: 20 January 2015
Last Date for Rectifying Mistakes: 15 February 2015
Date of Downloading Hall Tickets for Preliminary Exam: From 10
July 2015 to 31 July 2015
Examination Date: 02 August 2015, and 03 August 2015
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