Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) are
invited applications for Recruitment to the 20 post of Assistant
Registrar , as per the details given below.
Name of Post:- Service Assistant
No. of Vacancies:- 20
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 9,300/- –
Rs. 34,800/- (Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-).
Qualification:- The
Candidates Must Possess The Degree of Graduation from any recognized University
or Equivalent qualification by the last date for receipt of application form.
Good knowledge of Hindi is essential The candidates must possess the working
experience of minimum 07 years in any Govt. office or office of University with
which the knowledge of Hindi and English drafting and Accounts Rules are
Age Limit:- Candidates must have
attained the age of 30 years and must not have crossed the age of 45 years on
July 1, 2014 they must have not been born earlier than 2nd July, 1969 and not
later than July 1, 1984.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):- For
The Unreserved Candidates And other Backward Class Candidates Is Rs 215/- And
For Scheduled Caste And Scheduled Tribe Is Rs 95/- And For Handicapped Is Rs
15/- The E-Challan will be used to deposit the fee in any of the branches
of State Bank of India or Punjab National Bank by the candidate according to
his category.Last Date Of Fee deposit Is 28/01/2015
How to Apply:- Interested &
Eligible Candidates may Apply Online at below link. When the
candidate clicks on the Commission's
website , the On-line advertisement
shall be automatically displayed,
wherein there shall be 3 parts given
as below :
(i) User instructions
(ii) ViewAdvertisement
(iii) Apply
A list of all the advertisements will
be displayed in which "On-line System" is applicable. The Instructions
for filling have been given in User Instruction. The Candidates desirous to
see the advertisement will have to click before 'View Advertisement' to which
they are desirous to see, full advertisement will be displayed alongwith
sample snapshots of ON-LINE Application Procedure. Click on for On-line
Application. On clicking "Apply", Candidate Registration will be
displayed.- Basic Registration form will be displayed on clicking the
'Candidate Registration' respective to Examination. After filling the Basic Registration
form on clicking the 'submit' button, the registration of First stage
shall be over. Thereafter 'Candidate Registration Acknowledgment' shall be
displayed which can be printed by Clicking the 'Print' Button. - There shall
be two options for depositing the fees which are E-challan and I-collect, which can be
deposited in State Bank of India or Punjab National Bank. The candidates having
Net Banking facility in any of these two banks may deposit the fees
through I-collect. After taking the option of E-Challan or I-Collect,
Examination fees payment details will be displayed. On selecting the bank
to deposit the fees through E-Challan, the E-challan of concerned bank will
be displayed and printed in which there shall be Candidate's Registration
No., Name, Date of Birth and Fee Amount. The candidates will have to go
with E-Challan (in the Bank which is opted by the Candidates themselves)
to any branch of the Bank and deposit the fees and take one copy of
EChallan and keep with them safely. On the copy of the E-Challan given by
the Bank transaction ID/ JournalNo.and date shall bementionedwhich shall
be used at the time ofapplying at third stage. After depositing the fee in
the Bank, the candidates two day after, on the working day ( ) shall enter
information On-line in the format, available on Commission's website by clicking .
The photo and signature, duly scanned shall be uploaded also. The
candidate should scan his photograph and signature in the prescribed size (the
size will be mentioned at the specified spot in the On-line application).
This should also be kept in notice that the photo must be latest passport
size. In case the photo and signature, scanned in the prescribed size, are
not uploaded, then theOn-line systemwill not accept it. The procedure related
for scanning of the photo and signature is laid down in the . After
filling in all entries in the format, the candidatesmay click to see for
themselves that all entries and informations are correctly entered and
after satisfying themselves should click button to forward the same to the
Commission. It is essential that the candidate should fill all informations
On-line correctly according to the instructions given and click the button
by the last date prescribed for submission of the application form. If the
candidate does not click the button, the application shall not be
completed finally and the candidate shall be accountable for this. After
clicking the button, the candidate may take a print-out of the application
to preserve it with them. In the event of any discrepancy, the candidate
will be required to submit the said print-out in the office of the
Commission, otherwise his/her request shall not be entertained.
TheApplication once submitted, will
not be allowed to be modified.
: After filling in the 'Candidate
Registration' format of the On-line application, the candidate shall procure
the print-out of the E-challan in duplicate. The E-Challan will be used
to deposit the fee in any of the branches of State Bank of India or Punjab
National Bank by the candidate according to his category. The fee will not
be allowed to be deposited by any other mode except E-Challan/I-collect.
The above fee, for examination according to the category. U.P. Public
Service Commission and their period of debar has not been completed. In
addition to above, the applications submitted without requisite
informations regarding debar, if it is found at any stage in future that
the applications have been submitted concealing this fact, his/her candidature will
be rejected at any stage and the commission will consider to debar from all
future examinations/selections including extension of debar period. In
this regard if the claims of the candidates made in their application
forms are not found true, they can be debarred not only from the
examination in question but from all the future examinations and selections
made by the commission also including other appropriate penalties. If
the candidates want some correction or change in their submitted applications,
they can submit another fresh complete applications ON-LINE with desired
corrections along with prescribed fee within the last notified dates of
the advertisement. The application fee deposited with the prior
application will neither be returned nor adjusted in any condition. In the
aforesaid condition Other Details of candidate Education &
Experience Details Candidate address, photo&signature
details Declaration segment for Declaration [CANDIDATES ARE
OPTIONAVAILABLE] Other details of candidate shows the information details
about UP Freedom Fighter, Ex Army service duration and your physical
deformity. It shows your educational and experience details.
Here you will see your complete
communication address and photo with your signature. At the bottom of the page
there is a 'Declaration' the candidates. Candidates are advised to go through
the contents of the carefully. After filling all above particulars there is
provision for preview your detail before final submission of application form
on clicking on “Preview” button.
Preview page will display all
facts/particulars that you have mentioned on entry time if you are sure
with filled details then click on “Submit” button to finally push data into
server with successfully submission report that you can
print. Otherwise using “Back” button option you can modify your
details. For other information candidates are advised to select desired
option in 'Home Page' of Commission's website in CANDIDATE SEGMENT On
clicking “View Application status” option in Candidate Segment page you can see
current status of candidate. On clicking “Result” option in Candidate
Segment page candidate can see result status
of periodically. “Interview/Exam Schedule” option in Candidate
Segment page candidate can see interview and examination schedule details
Onclicking “KeyAnswer Sheet”
candidate can download key answer sheet. On clicking “Admit Card/Hall
Ticket” candidate can download theirAdmit Card using with some basic
credential of candidate. Onclicking “List of Rejected Candidate”
candidate can view rejected candidate list. Onclicking “Syllabus”
candidate can view syllabus of particular examination.
(Candidates applying on-line need NOT
send hard copy of the On-line Application filled by them on-line
or any other document/certificate/ testimonial to the Uttar Pradesh Public
Service Commission. However they are advised to take printout of the
On-line Application and retain it for further communication with the
UPPSC.) (The Candidates applying for the examination should ensure that
they fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to examination. Their
admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional
subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.) UPPSC
takes up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to
original documents at subsequent stages of examination
process. On-line Application process must be completed (including
filling up of Part-I, Part-II and Part-III of the Form) before last date of
form submission according to Advertisement, after which the web. Link will
be disabled. Guide Lines for Scanning Photograph with Signature .jpg,
.jpeg, .gif, .tif, .png
Sample Image & Signature :- The
Procedure relating to upload Photo &Signature. Paste the
Photo on any white paper as per the above required dimensions. Sign in the Signature
Space provided. Ensure that the signature is within the box. Scan the
above required size containing photograph and signature. Please do not scan
the complete page. The entire image (of size 3.5 cm by 6.0 cm)
consisting of the photo along with the signature is required to be
scanned, and stored in * format on local machine. Ensure that the size of
the scanned image is not more than 50 KB. lf the size of the file is more
than 50 KB, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the
DPI resolution, no. colours etc., during the process of scanning. The
applicant has to sign in full in the box provided. Since the signature is proof
of identity, it must be genuine and in full; initials are not sufficient.
Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS is not permitted. The signature must be
signed only by the applicant and not by any other person. The signature will
be used to put on the Hall Ticket and wherever necessary. If the
Applicant’s signature on answer script, at the time of the examination,
does not match the signature on the Hall Ticket, the applicant will be
All Notifications /Advertisements
1. Candidate Registration
2. Generate E-Challan/I-Collect
3. SubmitApplication Form
View Application Status
List of Applications Having photo
related Objections
Print Duplicate Registration Slip
& Detailed Application Form
Results/Marksheet forPCSPrelims
Generate E-Challan/I-Collect for
PCS-2013 Main Examination
Print Conventional Form andAddress
Slip for P.C.S. 2013 Main Examination Download Admit Card for PCS Main
Examination 2013
Download Syllabus
KnowYour Registration No.
KeyAnswer Sheets
Regarding application : Other details
of candidate shows the information details about UP Freedom Fighter, Ex
Army service duration and your physical deformity. It shows your
educational and experience details. Here you will see your complete
communication address and photo with your signature. At the bottom
of the page there is a 'Declaration' the candidates. Candidates are advised to
go through the contents of the
carefully. After filling all above particulars there is provision for
preview your detail before final submission of application form on
clicking on “Preview” button. Preview page will display all
facts/particulars that you have mentioned on entry time if you are sure
with filled details then click on “Submit” button to finally push data into
server with successfully submission report that you can
print. Otherwise using “Back” button option you can modify your
details. For other information candidates are advised to select desired
option in 'Home Page' of Commission's website in CANDIDATE SEGMENT On
clicking “View Application status” option in Candidate Segment page you can see
current status of candidate. On clicking “Result” option in Candidate
Segment page candidate can see result status
of periodically. “Interview/Exam Schedule” option in Candidate
Segment page candidate can see interview and examination schedule details
periodically. Onclicking “KeyAnswer Sheet” candidate can download key
answer sheet. On clicking “Admit Card/Hall Ticket” candidate can download
theirAdmit Card using with some basic credential of
candidate. Onclicking “List of Rejected Candidate” candidate can view
rejected candidate list. Onclicking “Syllabus” candidate can view syllabus
of particular examination. (Candidates applying on-line need NOT send hard
copy of the On-line Application filled by them on-line or any other
document/certificate/testimonial to the Uttar Pradesh Public
Service Commission. However they are advised to take printout of the
On-line Application and retain it for further communication with the UPPSC.)
(The Candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they
fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to examination. Their
admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional
subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.) UPPSC takes
up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to
original documents at subsequent stages of examination
process. On-line Application process must be completed (including
filling up of Part-I, Part-II and Part-III of the Form) before last date of
form submission according toAdvertisement, after which the web. Link will
be disabled.
Last Date for Submit Online
Application is 03 February,2015
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