West Bengal State Electricity
Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) are invited applications for Recruitment
to the 258 post of Junior Executive (Finance)” and “Office Executive,
as per the details given below.
Notification No.: MPP/2014/03.
Name of Post:- Junior
Executive (Finance)
No. of Vacancies:- 12
Scale of Pay:- Rs
34,800 Rs 4,700 Rs.9,300
Qualification:- Graduate
in any discipline from a recognized university plus Inter CA / ICWA.
Name of Post:- Office
Scale of Pay:- Rs
20,200 Rs 3,600 Rs 6,300
No. of Vacancies:- 246
Qualification:- 1)
Graduation in any discipline with 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized
University or Graduation in any discipline with minimum 50% marks in HS level AND
2) Must have passed certificate
course/any other courses on computer from the Institute indicated below: i) ‘O’ level course of National
Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) formerly DOEACC
SOCIETY, Govt. of India OR
ii) One year course in Computer
Application from any Institute recognized by West Bengal State Council of
Technical Education OR
iii) One year Diploma course in
Modern Office Practice and Management from any institute recognized by West
Bengal State Council of Technical Education OR
iv) Course of Computer Operation and
Programming Assistant (Basic Skill and / or Advance Skill) from Regional
Vocational Training Institute, Director General of Training & Employment,
Govt. of India OR
v) Secretarial Practices (Basic Skill
and / or Advance Skill) from Regional Vocational Training Institute, Director
General of Training & Employment, Govt. of India OR
vi) Passed twelve standards in
vocational stream from State Council of Vocational Training, Govt. of West
Bengal with any of the following combination: a) Computer fundamentals and
Programming and Computer Assembly and Maintenance. b) IT enabled services and
Computer fundamentals and Programming, OR
vii) 3 years full time Bachelor
Degree in Computer Application (BCA) OR
Bachelor Degree in Business
Administration (BBA) OR
Bachelor Degree in Science with
Honours with Statistics OR
Bachelor Degree in any stream with
Computer Application / Computer Science as a pass subject with 50% in aggregate
from a recognized University OR
50% in HS with 3 years full time
Degree in the Bachelor level with the subjects indicated in the foregoing lines
of this provision.
Age Limit:- Minimum
18 years and maximum 27 years as on 01.01.2014 for all the posts with
relaxation of 3 Years for OBC (A) & OBC (B) and 5 Years for SC &
ST candidates of West Bengal only.Ex-Serviceman candidates(Only eligible for
the post of Office Executive) will get age relaxation as per rules of
Govt. of West Bengal (For Ex-Serviceman : Age of the candidate – (Minus) Total
Service Length given (Minimum 6 months) subject to maximum relaxation of 3
years from upper age limit as per Govt. Rules).Candidates in the category
of SC, ST and OBC from State other than West Bengal will be treated as
Unreserved candidates. These candidates will not enjoy any
other relaxation interms of application fee, age and qualifying marks
criteria in various layer of examination.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):- Rs.400/-
for the post of Jr. Executive (Finance) and Rs.250/- for the post of Office
Fee should be deposited in any branch of United Bank of India
through a triplicate CHALLAN. The candidate will download the CHALLAN from
the website of the Company and have to take a printout of the same in A4 size
paper and will have to be deposited in any branch of United Bank of India
along with disposition fees. After depositing fees, bank will provide
Transaction ID and SOL ID which are required to write at the proper place in
the Application Form by the candidates. One copy of CHALLAN to be retained
by the bank and two copies of CHALLAN to be handed over to the candidate
by the bank. The candidate will retain Applicant’s copy of CHALLAN and WBSEDCL’s
copy of CHALLAN to be sent by the candidate along with hard copy of
credentials. Bank will charge an additional amount as Bank’s Service
Charge. No fees need be collected from SC / ST / Exempted Category Candidates.
Application Fees will have to be deposited from 02.01.2015 to 22.01.2015
during banking hours. Demand Draft/Money Order/Postal Order or any other
mode of payment is not acceptable. PH candidates shall pay Rs 240/- for the
Post of Junior Executive (Finance) and Rs 150/- for the Post of Office
Reservation for the post of Jr. Executive (Finance)will be made for
UR /SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) / Exempted Category / Physically
Challenged candidates and for the post of Office Executive reservation will be
made for UR/ SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) / Physically Challenged /
Ex-Serviceman / Exempted Category as per the guidelines issued by the of
Govt. of West Bengal time to time.SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) candidates from
State other than West Bengal should apply as Unreserved candidates. The
vacancy against exempted category shall be filled up as per rules of Govt.
of WB.
How to Apply:- Interested &
Eligible Candidates may Apply Online at below link. at Career
@ WBSEDCL. No other means / mode of application shall be accepted. Online
submission of the applications will be allowed on the website between
02.01.2015 to 22.01.2015 (Mid Night). While applying on-line, candidates
should have the following particulars readily available:
1. Candidates must have a valid E-mail ID. The Company may send
information for downloading Admit Card- Provisional for Written Test /
Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) / Interview through the registered E-mail ID
only. Under no circumstances he / she should share / mention Application
No. to / or any other person.
2. Fee should be deposited in any branch of United Bank of India
through a Triplicate CHALLAN. After filling up his / her Personal bio-data
and professional qualifications, etc., the candidate will download / print the
CHALLAN from the Fee CHALLAN TAB of online Application Form and will have
to take a printout of the same in A4 size paper and will have to deposit
it in any branch of United Bank of India along with disposition fees. Bank will
charge an additional amount as Bank’s Service Charge. No fees will be paid
by the SC / ST / Exempted Category candidates. Applicants shall attach a
recent passport size colour photograph(mandatory),Bank payment challan
copy (WBSEDCL),age proof, Caste certificate (if applicable), Disability
certificate (if applicable), proof for Exserviceman( if applicable) and
necessary documents in support of eligibility.
3. After depositing fees, bank will provide Transaction ID and SOL
ID which are required to be written at the proper place in the Online
Application Form by the candidates. One copy of CHALLAN to be retained by the
bank and two copies of CHALLAN to be handed over to the candidate by the
bank. The candidate will retain Applicant’s Copy of CHALLAN. WBSEDCL’s
copy of CHALLAN to be attached/sent by the candidate along with a copy of
Application Regn form and other credentials. Applicants shall attach a
recent passport size colour photograph(mandatory) IF NOT UPLOADED
CORRECTLY,Bank payment challan copy (WBSEDCL),age proof, Caste certificate
(if applicable), Disability certificate (if applicable), proof for
Ex-serviceman(if applicable) and necessary documents in support of
eligibility along with Original copy of Registration Slip and WBSEDCL’s copy of
Bank Challan through ordinary post/speed post.It is advisable that, before
leaving bank counter, the candidates should check / ensure that the SOL ID
and Transaction ID’s are clearly written on the paid challan.
4. Money Order / Postal Order or any other mode of payment is not
acceptable. 5. The paid fees CHALLAN (wherever applicable), valid E-mail
ID,Mobile No, photograph and scanned signature are mandatory data without
which online registration will be treated as incomplete/invalid.
On being satisfied that the candidate is eligible to appear for the
Written Examination they should follow the following steps enumerated
Pre-Requisites for Online Registration:
The candidates are advised to use IE 7.0 (Internet Explorer Web
Browser) and above, ensure that Java Script is enabled and Pop-ups are
allowed in the browser on PC / Laptop / Desktop being used for Online
Steps for applying :
Step 1:- Visit website www.wbsedcl.in. Go
to Career@WBSEDCL.
Step 2:- Click on “Recruitment for the
Post of Jr. Executive (Fin) / Office Executive Notification No.: MPP/2014/03”
to view the full Advertisement Details.
Step 3:- Read the details very carefully
before applying. “Online Application” links are placed next to
“Advertisement. Page”.
Step 4:- Click on “Apply Online” to fill
up the Application Form online. The candidate would be directed to a page
where he/she can click on “Apply Online”(for first time registration or
new registration) and they would be taken to Step-6 directly. Already
registered candidates need to click on “Sign in” and they would be taken to
Step 5.
Step 5:- Candidate need to enter
Application Number or Login ID & Password that will be sent to their valid
email-id and by SMS to their Regd Mobile No ,which will be required to
“Sign in” always. This process would be required always to submit the application
form finally, updating the Bank Challan data (for UR/OBC/PH candidates),
uploading the scanned photograph & signature and downloading/ printing
the Admit Card for written test, Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) and
downloading/printing the Call letter for Interview, if shortlisted.
Step 6:- The candidate must fill up the
application form, and attach the documents, challan, photograph, scanned
signature, etc as per the guidelines and information sought. The candidate
should check the same and proceed accordingly to avoid committing
1. The candidates need to fill up to all required information in
“First Screen” tab and click on “SUBMIT” to move next screen.
2. Candidates should note that Application Number generated on
submission. Next UR/OBC/PH candidates should click on “Download Bank
Challan”. The Bank Challan, thus generated and downloaded will be in
triplicate namely: Bank Branch copy, Candidate’s copy and WBSEDCL’s copy.
This Challan will have to be printed in A4 size paper and then deposit at
United Bank of India.
Please note that there is no active Bank Challan for SC/ST
candidates. SC/ST candidates can proceed to fill up next screen of online application form.
3. After downloading the Challan “Sign Out” from this screen and
later “Sign in” again after making
payment in bank to fill up SOL ID and Transaction Number given by the Bank and complete the form.
4. Application No. & password will be sent through Email/SMS
after successful submission for further log-in by the candidates
Step 7:- For UR/OBC candidates after
making the payment (using downloaded Bank Challan) in any branch of United Bank
of India, shall “Sign in” again using their Application Number/email-id
and Date of Birth and update Bank Challan data (SOL Id and Transaction
Step 8:- On the next screen, upload
photo (mandatory) and signature (mandatory) as per the guidelines given on
screen.The appropriate size of scanned documents to be uploaded are
mentioned below:-
a) Photograph –50KB[Max] b) Signature - 50KB[Max]
Step 9:- The candidate has to provide her
/ his consent for the Correctness of the information entered by selecting
the “Declaration” text. Once the candidate checks his/her information and
click on “Submit (Final)” the candidate gets the Registration slip
mentioning the “Application Number” and any other important info.
The candidate should ensure that the information provided is
correct and true. For any incorrect information or misrepresentation or
suppression of the material fact, the candidature may be cancelled at
any stage of the recruitment process and Company reserves the right to
take action against such candidate as deemed fit.
Step 10 :- After final
submission candidate must take the print out of Application Registration Slip,
Sign on it, paste one copy of recent colour photograph (if not properly
uploaded), attach the WBSEDCL’s Copy of CHALLAN and self-attested copies
of Caste Certificate, Disability Certificate (if applicable), proof
for Ex-Serviceman (if applicable), age proof and Pass Certificate of Academic
& Professional qualifications and send the same by Ordinary Post/Speed
Post at the address given below. Application and hard copy of other
credentials through courier/by hand will not be accepted. Only original
Registration Slip and WBSEDCL’s copy of CHALLAN (no photocopy) with photo
and signature shall be accepted.
Important: A candidate who visits the website for the first time is
considered as a New User. During this process he / she would be assigned
his / her Application Number/Login ID and Password sent by SMS & E-mail.
When the candidate is required to re-visit the web-site to take the print
out of the Registration Slip then he / she has to “Sign in”by providing
the Application Number and Password .
After applying online, candidates are required to print the system
generated Registration Slip with unique Application No. The original
registration Slip with required WBSEDCL’s Copy of CHALLAN and all credentials
duly self-attested and super-scribing at the top of the envelop post
applied for has to be sent by ordinary post at the following address so as
to reach latest by 27.01.2015.
Post Bag No. 781
Circus Avenue Post Office
Kolkata -700017
Last Date for Submit Online Application is 22nd January 2014
Important Dates:-
Last Date of Online Resgistration 22.01.2015 (Midnight)
Last Date of Accepting Registration Slips,Challan For Payment
Required Documents By Normal Post 27.01.2015
Tentative Date Of Written Test 22.02.2015
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