As per instruction of Mission Director (National Rural Health Mission) different blocks under Sub-Division of Raghunathpur, District Purulia, is recruiting 131 “ASHA” workers for sub health centres. Only female candidates residing in nearby villages under a respective sub health centre may apply for the post. Qualification norms and requirement in brief is given below —
Name of the Post: ASHA Workers
LAST DATE: 25/02/2013.
Total Numbers of vacancies: 131 No.
N.B: Vacancies varies from block to block. For number of vacancies available in each block/ sub centre, please visit the below given link for Advertisement details and Application Form.
The vacancies are for the Blocks under Sub-Division of Raghunathpur, District Purulia. Only local resident and married Female candidates with below mentioned qualification may apply. Apply on prescribed Application format given below.
Qualification Required: Minimum Madhyamik pass or equivalent. Candidates with higher qualification may also apply.
Preference will be given to the SC/ST candidates of Naxalite Affected area as well as to the Members of Grade-I and Grade-II Self-Self Groups, trained midwife, Link worker. In such cases they should submit their relevant certificate.
Only Married Female candidates may apply. Legally separated women or Widow may also apply.
Age Limits: between 30yrs to 40yrs as on 01-01-2013. In case of SC/ST candidates – between 22yrs to 40yrs as on 01-01-2013.
Eligible and interested candidates may apply on prescribed format (given below). Candidates should enclose the following documents in Self-Attested copies—
Madhyamik pass certificate/Admit to verify age of the candidates
Voter ID card or Ration Card for residential proof.
Caste certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates
Madhyamik or equivalent examination’s Marksheet
2 Nos. passport size photograph of the candidates with self-signed on it.
Last Date of Application: Candidates must submit their application form on or before 25th February 2013 at their respective Block Development Office/ Gram Panchayat Office (as instructed).
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Name of the Post: ASHA Workers
LAST DATE: 25/02/2013.
Total Numbers of vacancies: 131 No.
N.B: Vacancies varies from block to block. For number of vacancies available in each block/ sub centre, please visit the below given link for Advertisement details and Application Form.
The vacancies are for the Blocks under Sub-Division of Raghunathpur, District Purulia. Only local resident and married Female candidates with below mentioned qualification may apply. Apply on prescribed Application format given below.
Qualification Required: Minimum Madhyamik pass or equivalent. Candidates with higher qualification may also apply.
Preference will be given to the SC/ST candidates of Naxalite Affected area as well as to the Members of Grade-I and Grade-II Self-Self Groups, trained midwife, Link worker. In such cases they should submit their relevant certificate.
Only Married Female candidates may apply. Legally separated women or Widow may also apply.
Age Limits: between 30yrs to 40yrs as on 01-01-2013. In case of SC/ST candidates – between 22yrs to 40yrs as on 01-01-2013.
Eligible and interested candidates may apply on prescribed format (given below). Candidates should enclose the following documents in Self-Attested copies—
Madhyamik pass certificate/Admit to verify age of the candidates
Voter ID card or Ration Card for residential proof.
Caste certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates
Madhyamik or equivalent examination’s Marksheet
2 Nos. passport size photograph of the candidates with self-signed on it.
Last Date of Application: Candidates must submit their application form on or before 25th February 2013 at their respective Block Development Office/ Gram Panchayat Office (as instructed).