Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Haldia Refinery are invited applications for recruitment to the various
posts, as per the details given below:
Name of Post :- Assistant Chemist-VI
No. of Vacancies :- 03 (UR-02, ST-01)
Scale of Pay :- Rs.13,800-38,500
Qualification :- B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics as compulsory subjects OR B.Sc (H) in Chemistry with Physics & Mathematics as compulsory subjects from a Govt. recognized institute/University as a regular student.
Experience :-01(One) year post-qualification experience in a reputed chemical industry preferably in petrochemical / refinery sector. Should have hands on experience on UV visible spectro photometer, AAS, GC, HPLC etc
Name of Post :- Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV (F&S)
No. of Vacancies :- 01(OBC-01)
Scale of Pay :- Rs.11,900-32,000
Qualification :-Matric with Sub-Officer’s course from NFSC, Nagpur & Heavy Vehicle Driving License OR Matric with Fireman's course from Govt. recognised institute & Heavy Vehicle Driving License.
Minimum Physical Standards :-
Height : 165 CM. Weight : 50 KG. Chest:Normal 81CM, Expanded 86 CM.
Eye sight : Normal without Glasses. Colour Vision : Normal. Free from any
Vertigo problems, disease of heart, lungs, kidney and abnormal blood-pressure
Experience :-01 (One) year post-qualification experience in Fire Service in Petroleum / Petrochemical / Fertilizer or other large scale Industries
Name of Post :- Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV- (Production)
No. of Vacancies :- 20(UR-10, SC-07, ST-02, OBC-01)
Scale of Pay :- Rs.11,900-32,000
Qualification :- B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics or 03(Three) Yrs. Diploma in Chemical Engineering from a Govt recognized institute as a regular student
Experience :- 01 (One) year post-qualification experience in the operation of continuous Process plants in Fertilizer/Hydrocarbon sector.
Name of Post :- Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV (P&U)
No. of Vacancies :- 04(UR-02, ST-01, OBC-01)
Scale of Pay :- Rs.11,900-32,000
Qualification :- Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering with not less than (01) one year Apprenticeship in Boiler Operations in an industrial house under the Apprentices Act,1961 OR Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering with (02) two years work experience in P&U operations, OR B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics as main subjects having completed Apprenticeship in Boiler Operations in an industrial house under the Apprentices Act,1961 OR B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics as main subject & (03) three years work experience in P&U operations.
Experience :- Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering: Not less than (01) One year Apprenticeship in Boiler Operations in an industrial house under the Apprentices Act,1961 OR 02 (Two) years post-qualification experience in Electrical operation of Power Plant / Gas Turbines and Electrical distribution system in Chemical Process Plants / Fertilizers Hydrocarbon Industries
B.Sc with PCM: Completed Apprenticeship in Boiler Operations in an industrial house under the Apprentices Act,1961 OR 03 (Three) years post-qualification experience in Electrical operation of Power Plant / Gas Turbines and Electrical distribution system in Chemical Process Plants / Fertilizers / Hydrocarbon Industries.
Age:- Minimum 18 years and maximum 26 years as on 31/07/2013 (Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC- non creamy layer candidates for the posts reserved for them). Age relaxation applicable for Ex-Serviceman/PWD as per Govt. directives.
Selection Methodology:- Selection would be based on Written Test/Trade Test and Personal interview. The candidates will have to pass successfully through each stage of the selection process including medical fitness for being adjudged suitable for selection. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to verification of certificates / testimonials, experience etc.
Filling up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for appointment, if vacancies are not filled due to unsuitability of candidates.
Examination Fee
(Non-Refundable):- SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. Candidates from other categories should enclose a crossed D/D of Rs.100/- (Rs. One hundred only) as application fee (non-refundable) in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. payable at SBI, Haldia Refinery Campus Branch. (Branch Code: 7090). Candidates must write their full name and address on the back side of the Demand Draft.
How to Apply :- Applications in the prescribed format supported by all relevant documents (qualification /experience/age/caste etc.) duly attested by a Gazetted Officer with latest passport size photograph should reach by Ordinary Post to Chief Human Resource Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Haldia Refinery, P.O.: Haldia Oil Refinery, Dist.: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, Pin Code-721 606 latest by 09.08.2013. Candidates should superscribe Advt. No. and Name of the post applied for on the top of the envelope. Applications received after last date shall be summarily rejected. In case of any clarification, please contact Shri S K Guddu, Manager (Employee Relations) on 03224 – 223258 or Shri Sandeep Kumar, Senior Employee Relations Officer on 03224-223228.
Applicants from Government / Semi Government / Public Sector Organization must send their application through proper channel or produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of appearing in the Interview. In case the candidate fails to do so, his candidature will not be considered.
Diploma in different trades is to be of 3 years duration. In case of institutes offering 02 years diploma courses in the above mentioned trades, certification of equivalence (to a 03 years course) from AICTE is essential, failing which the application is liable to be rejected.
Age, Qualification and period of Experience will be determined as on 31/07/2013.
Canvassing in any form is liable to render the candidate ineligible for any of the above posts.
Incomplete applications, not supported by attested copies of relevant documents, not fulfilling the eligibility criteria or those received after the last date of receipt of applications shall not be considered and shall be treated as “Rejected”.
Candidates belonging to OBC category should submit proper caste certificate as per the proforma of Govt. of India which should among others specifically mention that he does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the department of personnel and training in the Govt. of India OM No 36012/22/93-Estt (SCT dtd 08/09/1993).
Candidates possessing professional qualifications such as B.E or equivalent, MBA or equivalent / MCA shall not be considered for the above notified posts.
One candidate can apply for one post only. Candidates applying for more than one post will not be considered.
The decision of the Management in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection etc. will be final.
In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he has furnished any incorrect / doctored / false information / certificate / documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is / are detected even after appointment, his services are liable to be terminated.
The Written Test/ Trade Test /Personal Interview are likely to be held in the month of August / September 2013. The exact date, place and time will be communicated subsequently.
Applications should be sent by Ordinary Post ONLY. Applications sent through Speed Post, Registered Post or Courier will not be accepted.