Railway Recruitment Cell Northeast Frontier Railway are invited applications for recruitment to
the post of Group
D in Pay
Band-1 of Rs 5200 – 20200 with Grade Pay Rs 1800 as per the details given below.
Employment Notice No. 02/2013 (Gr-D)
Name of Post :- Group D
No. Of Vacancies:- 1230
of Pay :- Pay
Band-1 of Rs 5200 – 20200 with Grade Pay Rs 1800
:- Minimum 10th class pass or ITI or equivalent. Academic
must be from recognized educational institution/Board, otherwise candidature
will be rejected even after appointment to Railway Service.
Age:- Between 18
to 33 years and will be reckoned as on 01/01/2014.(Relaxation = SC/ST - 5 years; OBC- 3 years; PH- 10 years;)
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for all
categories. : Passing the PET is mandatory and the same will be
qualifying in nature. The candidates should be able to perform the following
physical test;Medical
For Male candidates Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres
in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance
For Female candidates Should be able to run for a distance of 400 metres in 3 minutes and 10 seconds in one chance
Closing date for submission of application 21.10.2013 (upto 17.30 hours)
For candidates staying in the Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands closing date will be 05.11.2013 up to 17.30 hrs.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable) :- For UR and OBC candidates is Rs.100 (Rupees One hundred only).Candidates belonging to SC/ST, Physically Handicapped, women, minorities, ex- serviceman andeconomically backward classes are exempted from payment of examination fees.
The examination fees shall be paid in the form of
Indian Postal Order from any Post office drawn in
favour of FA&CAO, N.F. Railway and payable at GPO,
Applications received with cash/cheque /Central
Recruitment Stamps and money orders will be rejected
and amount forfeited.
Postal Orders issued before the date of issue of
Employment Notice will not be accepted and such
application form will be rejected and amount forfeited.
The candidates are advised to write their names
and addresses on the backside of the IPO and enclose
it with the application form. The details of examination fee may be written in
application form.
Examination fee is not refundable in any circumstances.
Minorities will mean Muslims, Christians, Sikhs,
Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis). For claiming waiver
of examination fee, Minority candidates should furnish 'self declaration' in
format at Annexure - VII.
At the time of document verification, such candidates have to furnish 'minority
community declaration'
affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper that he/she belongs to any of the above
named minority
Economically backward classes will mean the
candidates whose family income is less than Rs 50,000
per annum. The following authorities are authorized to issue certificates for
the purpose of identifying
economically backward classes: (i) District Magistrate or any other Revenue officer
upto the
level of Tehsildar. (ii) Sitting Member of Parliament of Lok Sabha for persons
of their own constituency.
(iii) Sitting Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha for persons of the district
in which these
MPs normally reside. (iv) BPL card or any other certificate issued by Central
Government under a
recognized poverty alleviation programme or Izzat MST issued by Railways.
The income certificate issued by the authorities
mentioned at para 5.7 above would have to be on
format at Annexure-VI. This would have to be issued on the letter head of the issuing
How to Apply :- Interested & Eligible
Candidates may Apply. Prescribed
application form available on below link. Application having any change in the format will be rejected.
Applications should be made on a good quality
white paper of A4 size (210mm*297mm) using ONE SIDE only.
Use only Black
Pen/ Black Ball Point Pen for filling up the
application form.
The application should be written in either
English or Hindi and not in any other language. The application
has to be duly dated and signed by the candidate. Application filled in any
language other than
English / Hindi and by any person other than the applicant will be rejected
summarily even if, it is
detected at a subsequent stage of the recruitment.
Candidates should mention "Applications for Gr. D posts, Northeast Frontier
Railway" on the top of
the envelope containing the application. Each cover should contain one
application only. In case
more than one application is sent in one cover or other way, all such
applications will be rejected.
The candidate should send application duly filled
with required documents by ordinary post so as to each
RRC/NFR office within the closing date positively. Applications received after
due date, for any
reason what so ever will not be considered.
The applications in prescribed format may be sent by ordinary post to Chairman, RailwayRecruitment Cell, N.F Railway, Station Colony, Pan Bazar, Guwahati, Assam (PIN 781001) or dropped in the Application Drop room at Railway Recruitment Cell, N.F Railway, Station Colony,Pan Bazar ,Guwahati, Assam up to 17.30 hrs of the closing date on all working days except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.
Candidates who have been debarred from appearing
in any of RRB/RRC exams need not apply unless
their debarment period expires by the closing date.
Enclosures: The following enclosures
only are to be firmly stitched along with the application form.
All enclosed certificates (self attested), which are in language other than in
Hindi or English should
be translated in Hindi or English along with self attested Xerox copies of
originals. (i) A passport size coloured photograph (not older
than 3 months) without wearing cap or goggles / coloured
glasses is to be pasted on the application form.
(ii) Indian Postal Order of Rs.100/-, wherever
applicable. IPOs should be enclosed at the top of the application. (iii) Self attested copy of certificate of educational
qualification with marksheet. (iv) Self attested copy of 10th pass Board certificate
as proof of age.
(v) Community Certificate for SC/ST applicants
(format at Annexure-III) and for OBC candidates (format
at Annexure-II).
The list of authorities empowered to issue SC/ST/OBC certificates
are indicated below: (a) District Magistrate/Additional
Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additional Dy.Comissioner/Deputy
Collector/1st class Stipendiary magistrate/ Sub-divisional Magistrate/ Taluk Magistrate/Executive
Magistrate/Extra Assistant Magistrate (not below the rank of 1st class Stipendiary magistrate)
(b) Chief
Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
(c) Revenue
officer not below the rank of Tahsildar. (d) Sub-divisional officer of the area where
the candidate and or his family resides. (e) Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/ Development
officer (Lakshadweep islands) (vi) In case of Physically Handicapped (PH) persons,
self attested copy of the disability certificate issued
by competent authority (format at Annexure-IV). (vii) Application requiring assistance of SCRIBE in the
format given at Annexure-V. (viii) No objection certificate from the employer, if
already employed. (ix) Domicile certificate, if the candidate belongs to
Andaman & Nicobar, Jammu & Kashmir and Lakshadweep. (x) Copy of decree for having divorced / judicially
separated. (xi) In case of widow, death certificate of her
husband together with the affidavit that she has not remarried since.
(xii) Income Certificate for Economically Backward
class candidates availing fee concession (format at Annexure-VI). (xiii) Self-declaration for candidates belonging to
minority communities availing fee concession (format at
Annexure-VII). (xiv) For Ex-serviceman, discharge card/certificate and
Army Class I certificate or equivalent in support of military service/educational