WBPSC has announced Time Table For West Bengal Civil Service (Exe.) Etc. Written (Main) Examination, 2013 [ From the 28th October to 19th November, 2013]
Candidates should carefully note the following instructions
1. Admission to the examination is provisional subject to verification of eligibility of the candidates in all respects on the basis of the original certificates to be furnished when asked for by the Commission. Candidates should note that if at any stage after issue of the admit card they are found to be ineligible for admission to the examination in terms of advertisement for the examination, their candidature will be cancelled without further reference to them.
2.The dates of examination are subject to alteration in unavoidable circumstances.
3.Candidates should particularly note the instructions printed on the Admit Card.
4.Adoption of any sort of unfair means during the examination including copying or allowing other(s) to copy or possessing unauthorized reading materials or communicating with one another may lead to punishment to the extent of cancellation of candidature and/or debarment from applying and appearing at subsequent examination(s) and selection(s) conducted by the Commission.
5. While filling in the space provided on the front page of the Answer Book for Name, Roll Number, Ticket No. etc., the candidate should also put his signature in the space provided on the front page. The candidate should take care so that his signature on the front page of the Answer Book and the Signature to be given by him in the Attendance Sheet ( with photo ) are identical. Any correction made by him on the front page of the Answer Book should be countersigned by the Invigilator on duty failing which his/her script may be liable to rejection.
6. If Any Candidate Finds That The Examinations In More Than One Optional Subject
Offered By Him /Her Fall On The Same Day(S), The Fact Should Be Reported To The Commission's Office At 161-A, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Kol-700 026 Forthwith And In Any Case Not Later Than The 9th October, 2013.
7. No Electronic Gadget Of Communication, Mobile Phone Etc. Shall Be Allowed
Inside The Examination Hall. There Shall Be No Arrangements For Safe-Keeping Of Such Electronic Items, If Brought By Candidates, In The Venue Of Examination. Violation Of Any Of The Instructions Will Attract Stern Measures Including Cancellation Of Candidature.
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Candidates should carefully note the following instructions
1. Admission to the examination is provisional subject to verification of eligibility of the candidates in all respects on the basis of the original certificates to be furnished when asked for by the Commission. Candidates should note that if at any stage after issue of the admit card they are found to be ineligible for admission to the examination in terms of advertisement for the examination, their candidature will be cancelled without further reference to them.
2.The dates of examination are subject to alteration in unavoidable circumstances.
3.Candidates should particularly note the instructions printed on the Admit Card.
4.Adoption of any sort of unfair means during the examination including copying or allowing other(s) to copy or possessing unauthorized reading materials or communicating with one another may lead to punishment to the extent of cancellation of candidature and/or debarment from applying and appearing at subsequent examination(s) and selection(s) conducted by the Commission.
5. While filling in the space provided on the front page of the Answer Book for Name, Roll Number, Ticket No. etc., the candidate should also put his signature in the space provided on the front page. The candidate should take care so that his signature on the front page of the Answer Book and the Signature to be given by him in the Attendance Sheet ( with photo ) are identical. Any correction made by him on the front page of the Answer Book should be countersigned by the Invigilator on duty failing which his/her script may be liable to rejection.
6. If Any Candidate Finds That The Examinations In More Than One Optional Subject
Offered By Him /Her Fall On The Same Day(S), The Fact Should Be Reported To The Commission's Office At 161-A, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Kol-700 026 Forthwith And In Any Case Not Later Than The 9th October, 2013.
7. No Electronic Gadget Of Communication, Mobile Phone Etc. Shall Be Allowed
Inside The Examination Hall. There Shall Be No Arrangements For Safe-Keeping Of Such Electronic Items, If Brought By Candidates, In The Venue Of Examination. Violation Of Any Of The Instructions Will Attract Stern Measures Including Cancellation Of Candidature.
Compulsory Subjects
D a t e Forenoon Session Afternoon Session
(10 : 0 0 a .m . to 0 1 : 0 0 p .m . ) (02 : 0 0 p .m . to 0 5 : 0 0 p .m. )
28-10-13 Paper - I : Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/ Nepali
Essay, Precis Writing, Composition &
Translation from English into
Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali .
29-10-13 Paper - II : English Essay, Precis Paper - III : General Knowledge & Writing, Composition & Translation from Current Affairs
Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/ Nepali into English.
30-10-13 Paper - IV : The Constitution of India & Paper - V : Arithmetic & Test of
The Five-Year Plans. Reasoning.
Optional Subjects
Forenoon Session Afternoon Session
D a t e (10:00a.m. to 01:00p.m.) (02:00p.m.to 05 : 00p.m.)
Paper -I : Paper -II :
04-11-13 1) History 1) History
07-11-13 1)Animal Husbandry and 1) Animal Husbandry and
Veterinary Science Veterinary Science
2) Mechanical Engineering 2) Mechanical Engineering
3) Medical Science 3) Medical Science
4) Physiology 4) Physiology
5) Zoology 5) Zoology
6) Civil Engineering 6) Civil Engineering
08-11-13 1) Chemistry 1) Chemistry
2) Computer Science 2) Computer Science
3) Economics 3) Economics
4) Electrical Engineering 4) Electrical Engineering
13-11-13 1) Mathematics 1) Mathematics
2) Statistics 2) Statistics
3) Botany 3) Botany
4) Law 4) Law
5) Agriculture 5) Agriculture
15-11-13 1) Commerce and Accountancy 1) Commerce and Accountancy
2) Management 2) Management
3) Physics 3) Physics
16-11-13 1) Psychology 1) Psychology
2) Philosophy 2) Philosophy
17-11-13 1) Sociology 1) Sociology
2) Anthropology 2) Anthropology
3) Political Science 3) Political Science
18-11-13 1) Bengali 1) Bengali
2) Comparative Literature 2) Comparative Literature
3) English 3) English
4) French 4) French
5) Hindi 5) Hindi
6) Sanskrit 6) Sanskrit
7) Urdu 7) Urdu
8) Arabic 8) Arabic
9) Persian 9) Persian
10) Pali 10) Pali
19-11-13 1) Geography 1) Geography
2) Geology 2) Geology