Union Ba nk of India,
a lea ding listed Publi c Sector Bank with Hea d Office
in Mumbai and having Pan India
and Overseas presence,
invites ON LINE appli cations for recruitment to the
following posts.
Tell Your Friends About This Post:
(Under Revision)
Security Offi cer
Sr. No.
Other Backward
Start Date for making the paym ent of a ppli
cation fees/ intimation charges and ON
LINE a ppli cation.
Last Date of making the paym ent of a ppli
cation fees/ intimation charges
and ON LINE a ppli cation.
Tentative Date of written examination (If
Will be held in the
month of June 2014
Candidates intending to apply should ensure
tha t they fulfill the eligibi lity criteria specified by the Bank before applying.
Please note that th e eligibility criteria specified
herein are the basic criteria for applying for the P ost. However, merely applying
for / app earing for and/or qualifying in the written examination and/or in the
subsequent proc esses does n ot imply that a candidate will necessarily be eligible
f or employment / conf er right on him /her f or appointment in th e Bank
Age, Educational Qualification and Post Qualification
W ork Experienc e (As of 31.12.2013):
POSTCODE 01: 02 Vacancies of Economists (MMGS-II)
Minimum 21 and Maximum 35.
Educational Qualificati ons:
A Graduate Degree in any discipline wi th 60%
marks (55% for Reserved Category candida tes - applica ble to the posts reserved
for them) from a University/Institution/ Board recognized by Govt. Of India/approved
by Govt. Regula tory Bodies.
A Post Graduate Degree in Economics / Econom
etrics with 55% marks (50% for Reserved Category candidates - applica ble to the
posts reserved for them) from a University/Institution/
Board recognized by Govt. Of India/approved
by Govt. Regulatory
A Certificate for having completed a Course
in Computer A wareness and Office Automation for duration of minim um 60 hours from
a reputed Computer Training Institute, whi ch wi
ll be waived where 'Com puters' is a part
of the curriculum at the Gra duation / Post
-Gradua tion Level.
Post Qualification Work Exp erience:
A minimum of 3 yea rs Post-Qua lification work
experience as an Economist/ Economic Officer/ Research Officer / Economic Ana lyst
or equivalent in Scheduled Commercia l Bank/ Publi
c Sector Undertaking / Private organization in financia l sector includi ng mutua
l funds, insurance compa nies, brokerage house etc.
Job Profile:
Tracking of Macroeconomi c developments with
focus on monetary and fiscal polici es.
Study Sectora l trends in Banking, map these
with Business of the Ba nk and provide decision support inputs. Prepare Banking
reports explaining important trends in the Industry/ States/ Regions etc and recommend
Strategies based on such Studi es.
Prepa ration of Business Strategies of the Bank.
Balance Sheet Management. Study a nd Suggest
right mix of Business in order to maximize Risk adjusted return in sync wi th Industry
scenario and future trends.
Support Investor Relations team.
Analyses performa nce da ta of the Ba nk and
some specific categories of branches in various business parameters ( like Current
Deposits, Savings Deposits, CASA, Total Deposits, Total Advances etc)
Assists in the preparation of various reports
by obtaining da ta on different sectors of the economy from various databases as
also parameters like inf lation etc.
Selecti on Process:
Written Test and/or G roup Discussion and /
or Persona l Interview.
POST CODE - 02: 40 Vacancies
of Security Officer (JMGS-I)
Minimum 21 and Maximum 35.
Educational Qualificati ons:
A Graduate Degree in any discipline from a University/Institution/
Board recognized by Govt. Of India/approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.
A Certificate f or having com pleted a Course
in Computer Awa reness and Office Automa tion, whi ch wi ll be waived where 'Com
puters' is a part of the curri culum at the Graduation / Post - Graduation Level.
Post Qualification Work Exp erience:
Minimum 5 years as a Junior Com missioned Officer
in the Indian Army or equivalent ra nks in the Indian Air Force and Indian Nav y.
Minimum 5 years as a Poli ce Officer not below
the ra nk of Inspector.
Minimum 5 years as an Officer of identica l
ranks in parami litary f orces.
Job Profile:
The Officer wi ll be responsible to maintain
the Ba nk Security systems, procedures and security Manpower in a state of high
efficiency as per instructions / directions within the framework of the Ba nks poli
Selecti on Process:
Written Test and/or G roup Discussion and /
or Persona l Interview.
Educational Qualificati ons:
The date of passing the examination, which is
reckoned for eligibi lity, wi ll be the da te appearing on the mark sheet/passing
certificate. Candida tes should indi cate the percentage ca lculated to the nea
rest two decima ls in the onli ne application. Where CGPA/SGPA/OGPA is awarded,
the same should be converted into percentage and indi cate d in online appli cation.
Calculation of Percen tage: The percentage marks
shall be arrived at by dividing the marks obtained by the candidate in a ll the
subj ects in a ll semester(s)/year(s) by aggregate maximum marks in all the subjects
irrespective of honors/optiona l/additiona l optiona l subjects, if any. This will
be a ppli cable for those Universities also where C lass/Grade is decided on basis
of Honors marks only.
Post-Qualification Work Experience:
For post code 01 and 02, where post qua lification
work experience is essential, it should be full time and relevant to the post a
pplied for. The experience as a perma nent em ployee wi ll only be considered. The
candida te wi ll ensure to provide the proof
of the claimed work experience. Candidates claiming to have work experience should
ensure that they
submit docum enta ry proof, i.e. Work Experience C ertifica
tes , whenever required by the Bank. The certificate(s) for the period given in
the Appli cation should be issued on the prescribed format (The prescribed format
of Experience certificate is available as Annexure II with this notifica tion) under signatures of the Com petent A uthori ty
of the respective em ployers, clearly stating the period, Post(s) held a nd na ture
of duties performed by them. Copies of Appointment Letters, Salary Certificates,
Pay sli p etc wi ll not be accepted in lieu of work experience certifi cate a nd
the candi date wi ll not be a llowed to parti cipate in the process and his candidature
can be ca ncelled at any stage, even after appointment.
Written Test sha ll be ca lled for a Persona
l Interview in the ratio of 1:3 for Genera l / Unreserved Candida tes and 1:5 in
case of candidates belonging to the Reserved Categories. In other words genera lly,
for every sing le post, 3
Genera l and 5 Reserved Category candi dates respectively would be ca lled
for the Persona l Interview depending upon their ranking as per the marks obtained
by them. However, the Bank reserves its right to call for the Interview candidates
otherwise than in the a bove ratio at i ts sole discretion.
The short- listing of the ca ndida tes for the
GD and/ or Persona l Interview will be made on the basis of the candi date‟s performance
in a Written Test, if conducted, as spelt out above in this Notifica tion. Candidates
may a lso be ca lled directly for GD a nd/or
Persona l Interview, depending upon the number of application received. The Bank
reserves its right to ca ll any number of ca ndida tes for the G D and/ or Personal
Interview at its sole discretion.
After the selection process, the candi dates
wi ll be ranked in a descending order on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained
in the Written Test and/ or Persona l Interview and/ or GD under the respective
SC / ST / OBC / GEN Category.
Subject to the vacancies available under the
respective Category, only those ca ndidates, who pass the Written Test, if conducted,
as well as the Personal Interview and/ or GD wi ll be short- listed for selection
in the order of the Merit / Rank obtained by them under the respective Category.
The written examination, if conducted, wi ll
be tenta tively held in the month of June 2014 at the examination centres indicated
(a) Benga luru (b) Delhi (c) Kolkata (d) Lucknow
( e) Mumbai.
However, the Bank reserves its right to a llot
the examination centres at its sole
discretion depending upon the geographi ca l spread of the number of appli
cations received for the post. The full address of the Examination Venue and the
Examination Date wi ll be advised in the Examination Call Letters , which wi ll
be issued in case the Bank decides to hold the written examination. In case the
written examination is conducted, the ca ll letters can be downloaded from the Bank‟s
website 'www.unionbankofindia.co.in' under "Careers" link.
Note: Request for cha nge in allotted
examina tion centre will not be entertained. The Bank reserves the right to allot
the ca ndidate any Center, to prepone/postpone/ reschedule the Written Examination Dates and/or to add to
or delete or modify/ change the Examina
tion Centre and the Venues and/or to ca ncel the Written Examination without assigning
any reason.
The candi dates can apply only for one post.
The appli cations of candi dates applying for more than one post and / or submitting
Multiple Applications/Registrations for the same post will be summarily
rejected and the a pplica tion fee/ intimation
charges will be
forfeited. The candi dates ca n apply only online from 21.04.2014
to 05.05.2014 (both da ys inclusive) and
no other mode of a pplication wi ll be a ccepted.
Pre-Requisite f or applying online:
Before a pplying online, candidates should:
Scan their photograph and signature
ensuring that both the photograph and signature conform to the
required specifi cation given in Ann exure-I to this Notification.
Keep the necessary detai ls of educational Qua
lifica tion, Post qua lification work experience and other persona l detai ls ready
f or entering in the online appli cation.
Have a valid persona l email ID, whi ch should
be kept a live for entire dura tion of the recruitment project. Under no circumstance,
a candi date should share with/mention email ID to/ of any other person.
In case a ca ndida te does not have a va lid persona l email ID, he/she should create
his/her new email ID before a pp lying online a nd must maintain that emai l account.
Third party emai l ID is not permitted.
Non-refundable Application f ees/Inti mati on
Charges (payable only through online mod e):
Category of Applicant
Amount Payable
GEN and O BC
Rs.600.00 (application fees)
Rs.100.00 (intimation charges)
Bank Transaction charges, if any, for On lin e Pa ymen t of a pplica
tion fees/ intimatio n charges wi ll have
to be borne by the can didate.
Note: Pa yment of application fees by a ny other
mode except online will not be a ccepted. Instruments like Demand Draft / Ba nker‟s
cheque / Indian posta l orders received towards
payment of appli cation fees/ intimation charges will not be accepted under any
circums tance. Application fees/Intimation Charges are non-refunda ble and once
pai d wi ll not be refunded on any a ccount nor ca n be held for in reserve for
a ny other examination or selection.
Procedure for applying online:
Candidates are required to go to the Bank's
website “ www.unionbankofindia. co.in”
a nd click on the link "Recruitm ent" under “Career” page to a ccess the
Recruitment Notification titled " UNION BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2014 -15 (Specialist
– Link for Notification and Online Application”.
Eligible candidates are then required to click
on the link given at the end of notification f or the online applicati on form.
Candidates will have to enter their basic detai
ls and uploa d in the online appli cation form. Candidates are required to upload
their photogra ph and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines
for Scanning and Upload of Photograph a nd Signature.
Candidates should carefully fill in the details
in the On-Line A pplica tion at appropriate pla ces very ca refully a nd cli ck
on the “SUBMIT” button at the end of the Online Application format. Before pressing
the “SUBMIT” button, candi dates are advised
to verify every field fi lled i n the appli
cation. The nam e of the candida te or his /her father/husband etc. should be spelt
correctly in the a ppli cation as it a ppears in the certificates/mark sheets. Any
change/a lteration f ound may disqua lify the ca ndida ture.
The application form is integrated with the
payment gatewa y and the payment process can be com pleted by following the instructions.
The paym ent can be made by using only Master/
Visa Debit or Credit cards or Internet Banking by providing informa tion as asked
on the screen.
After the uploa d of photogra ph and signature
an a dditiona l page of the application form is displayed wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the
requisite detai ls.
If the online transaction has been successfully
com pleted, a Registration Number and Password wi ll be generated. Candidates should
note their Registration Num ber a nd Password for future reference.
If the online transaction has not been successfully
com pleted then the following message is
displaye d „Your online transaction was unsuccessful. Please register again‟ Candidates
may then revisit the „Apply Online‟ link a nd fi ll in their applica tion detai
ls again.
On successful com pletion of the transaction,
an e-receipt wi ll be generated.
Candidates are required to take a printout of
the e-receipt and the submitted online applica tion form.
In case the candidate is una ble to fi ll in
the applica tion form in one go, he/ she can save the data alrea dy entered. When
the da ta is saved, a provisional registration number and password wi ll be generated
by the system and displa yed on the screen. Candidate should note down the Provisional
registration number and password. An Emai l & SMS indicating the Provisional
Registration number and Password wi ll a lso be sent. They ca n reopen the saved da ta using Provisional registration
number and password and edit the particula rs, if needed. This faci lity wi ll be available for three times only.
Once the a ppli cation is filled in com pletely, candi date should submit the da ta.
Candida tes should take a printout of the system genera ted fee paym ent cha llan
imm ediately. No change/ edit wi ll be a llowed af ter submission. The registration
at this stage is provisional. After online payment no edit of the details in the
online applicati on form is possible.
After submitting your paym ent inf ormation
i n the online a ppli cation form, please wait for the intimation from the server,
DO NOT press Back or Refresh button in order to avoid double cha rge.
For Credit Card users: All pri ces are listed
in Indian Rupee. If you use a non -Indian credit card, your bank wi ll convert to
your loca l currency based on prevaili ng exchange rates.
To ensure
the security of your
da ta, please close
the browser window once
your transaction is com pleted.
After completing the procedure of applyi ng
on- line, including pa yment of fees, the candi date should take a printout of the
system genera ted on- line a ppli cation f orm, ensure the particulars filled in
are a ccurate a nd retain it a long wi th
Registration Number and Password for future reference. They should not send this
printout to the IBPS/ Ba nks.
10. Important Note:
Please n ote that all the particulars menti
oned by the applicants in th e online applicati ons, including Name, Post Applied,
Category, Date of Birth, Address, Mobile nu mber, Email ID, Post qualification experi
ence etc. will be c onsidered fin al and no modification will be
allowed after onlin e submission. Th e Bank will n ot b e responsible for any consequ ence arising out of furnishing of incorrect
/ incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the r equired details.
The Bank wi ll not be responsible if the candidate
is not able to submi t the application within the last date on account of any reason.
The candida tes are, therefore, advised in their own interest to apply well in tim
Any informa tion submitted by an a ppli cant
in his/her applica tion sha ll be
binding on the candi
date persona lly and he/she sha ll be lia ble for prosecution/ civil consequences
in case the information/detai l furnished by him/her is found to be fa lse at any
Note: An application once made will not b e
allowed to be withdra wn a nd the fees once paid will not b e refunded on any a
ccount nor ca n it b e held in reserve for any ot her examination or selection.
Therefore, before applying on-line for the post the candidate should ensure that
he /she fulfils each of the eligibility criter ia and other norms, including subm
ission of documents, as m ent ioned in this notification.
Subject to their fulfi lling the eligibility
criteria, existing employees of Union Bank of India may apply through proper channel
(HR Depa rtments of the Regiona l Office/ Field Genera l Manager‟s Office under
whose jurisdiction they work). Such ca ndida tes, if selected, shall resign from
their present positions in the Ba nk and re-join the Bank‟s service afresh.
The candida te should ensure that he / she fulfi
ls the eligibi lity criteria and other norms, including bei ng in possession of
documents specified in this notification before ap plyi ng for any post.
The Ba nk wi ll be free to reject a ny appli
cation at any stage of the process. The decision of the Bank in a ll matters regarding
eligibility of the candida te, the stages at whi ch such scrutiny of eligibi lity
is undertaken, the docum ents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of examination,
interview, selection and any other matter relati ng to recruitment wi ll be final
and binding on the ca ndida te. In case it is detected at a ny stage of the recruitment
that a candi date does not fulfi ll the eligibility norms and/or tha t he/she has
furnished any incorrect/fa lse/incom plete information or has concea led or suppressed
any materia l fact(s), his/her candidature wi ll stand ca ncelled. If any of these
shortcomings is/are detected even after a
ppointment, his/her services shall be summari ly terminated without notice.
The candi date should produce System Generated
Application Form and a ll the prescribed documents in original a long with one set
of photocopies, in support of his/her eligibility as per this notifica tion, if
invited f or the G roup Discussion and /or Personal Interview. Candidates failing
to produce the Original Documents for verification wi ll not be permitted to parti
cipate in the process and their ca ndida ture sha ll stand cancelled.