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SAIL Collieries Division, West Bengal Recruitment Jan. 2015 – 21 Various Vacancies Last Date 10.02.2015

Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), Collieries Division, West Bengal are invited applications for Recruitment to the 21 post of Overman, Mining Sirdar, Surveyor and Operator-cum-Technician Trainee, as per the details given below. 

Name of Post:- Overman 
No. of Vacancies:- 7 posts. (UR—6; ST—1)
Qualification:- Matriculation and 03 years fulltime Diploma in Mining Engineering with Overmanship Certificate of Competency and shall posses valid Gas Testing & First Aid Certificate.
Experience:-  As on 01.01.2015 One year post qualification experience
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 16800/- to Rs. 24110/- 

Name of Post:- Mining Sirdar 
No. of Vacancies:- 6 posts. (UR—5; ST—1)
Qualification:- Matriculation with Mining Sirdar’s Certificate of Competency and shall posses valid Gas Testing & First Aid Certificate.
Experience:-  As on 01.01.2015 One year post qualification experience
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 15830/- to Rs. 22150/- 

Name of Post:- Surveyor 
No. of Vacancies:- 1 post. (UR)
Qualification:- Matriculation and 03 years full time Diploma in Mining & Mine’s Survey with Suveyor’s certificate of competency.
Experience:-  As on 01.01.2015 One year post qualification experience
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 16800/- to Rs. 24110/- 

Name of Post:- Operator-cum-Technician Trainee (Electrical) 
No. of Vacancies:- 7 posts. (UR—6; ST—1)
Qualification:- Matriculation and 03 years full time Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Scale of Pay:- Rs. 16800/- to Rs. 24110/- 

Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):- State Bank of India (SBI) has been authorized to collect the application / processing fee in a specially opened Account (No. 32469839252) at SBI, CAG Branch, Kolkata, on behalf of SAIL-Collieries Division. Candidate has to approach any State Bank of India branch (having Core Banking facilities) with a printout of the ''SBI challan" which is available on the Application Registration Portal. The SBI challan printed from the portal only should be used for depositing the fee for proper crediting of amount in the allocated account. Candidates should retain a copy of the bank challan with them. On receipt of the money. the concerned branch of SBI will issue a unique Journal Number and the Branch Code of the Bank. The Journal Number and the Branch Code are to be filled up by the candidate during online registration. Also, please note that the candidate will have to bear the Bank Charges of certain amount to be paid to the collection branch of SBI in addition to the applicable application/ processing fee. The SBI branches will accept the fee during Banking hours upto the closing date of submission of online application. 
The candidates will be provided opportunity to verify their payment status after reconciliation on SAIL website and edit the payment details in case of wrong submission of Journal No. or Branch Code. No request for editing the payment details and issue of Admit Card after closure of edit option will be entertained in wrong submission cases and candidature will stand rejected. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the application/processing fee and to fill in the payment details carefully. 

How to Apply:- Interested & Eligible Candidates may Apply Online at below link. Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility norms. Their registration will be provisional as their eligibility will be verified only at the time of interview.
Mere issue of admit card / interview call letter will not imply acceptance of candidature.
Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even on joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage or if candidate fails to produce
valid documentary proof in support of his / her eligibility.
Before registering their applications on the website the candidates should possess the following:
a) Valid e-mail ID, which should remain valid for at least one year from date of application.
b) Candidates should have latest passport size coloured photograph as well as photograph of signature in digital form (.jpg or .jpeg only of less than 500 kb size) for uploading with the application form.
c) Candidates are advised to read carefully instructions for online submission of application. The same will be available in the website itself.
d) After applying online, the candidate is required to download coloured system generated Registration Slip with unique registration number and other essential details.

Last Date for Submit Online Application is 10/02/2015
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