The University of Burdwan are
invited applications for Recruitment to the post of Audit & Accounts
Officer, Assistant Registrar, Trust Officer, Superintendent, Publication
Officer, as per the details given below.
Name of Post:- Audit &
Accounts Officer
Scale of Pay :- Pay
Band Rs 15,600 – 39,100 plus Grade Pay Rs 8,000)
No. of Vacancies:- One
post (Un-reserved)
Qualification :- (i)
Uniformly good academic record with a Master’s degree in Commerce/ Finance with
minimum 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading
system is followed. (ii) Experience in Audit & Accountancy work for at
least 5 years in a senior position involving supervision, control and planning
and Management of Audit and Accounts. (iii) Age not below 35 years. Relaxable
in case of exceptionally qualified candidates.
Name of Post:- Assistant Registrar
Scale of Pay :- Pay
Band Rs 15,600 – 39,100 with a Grade Pay Rs 6,000)
No. of Vacancies:- One
post (SC)
Qualification :- (i)
Uniformly good academic record with a Master’s Degree with minimum 55% marks or
its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading system is followed.
(ii) At least 10 years experience in a Supervisory capacity in a University or
a Research Institute or a Government/Quasi Government organization or at least
5 (five) years’ administrative experience.
Age:- Not below
30 years. Relaxable in case of exceptionally qualified candidates.
Name of Post:- Trust Officer
Scale of Pay :- Pay
Band Rs 15,600 – 39,100 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 6,000)
No. of Vacancies:- One
post (Un-reserved)
Qualification :- (i)
A degree in Law or Management. (ii) At least 5 (five) years experience in
dealing with matters for up-keeping of an estate including management of
properties, control of personnel, etc.
Age:- Not below 30
years. Relaxable in case of exceptionally qualified candidates.
Name of Post:- Superintendent [Press]
Scale of Pay :- Pay
Band Rs 15,600 – 39,100 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 6,000)
No. of Vacancies:- One
post (Un-reserved) (Lien bound)
Qualification :- (i)
Uniformly good academic record with a Master’s Degree with minimum 55% marks or
its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading system is followed.
(ii) For graduates with degree/diploma in Printing Technology, the Master’s
Degree may be waived. (iii) At least 5(five) years experience in printing and
publication and in Management of Printing Press.
Age:- Not below
30 years. Relaxable in case of exceptionally qualified candidates.
Name of Post:- Publication Officer
Scale of Pay :- Pay
Band Rs 15,600 – 39,100 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 6,000)
No. of Vacancies:- One
post (Un-reserved)
Qualification :- (i)
Uniformly good academic record with a Master’s Degree with minimum 55% marks or
its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading system is followed.
(ii) For graduates with degree/diploma in Printing Technology, the Master’s
Degree may be waived. (iii) At least 5(five) years experience in editing and
organizing publication work through press.
Age:- Not below
30 years. Relaxable in case of exceptionally qualified candidates.
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):- Price
of forms: Rs 1000 (General Category), Rs 750 (Reserved Category) for PB – Rs
15,600-39,100 with GP Rs 6,000 & GP Rs 8,000.
How to Apply :- Interested
& Eligible Candidates may Apply. Prescribed application form
available on below link. Downloaded form shall accompany with a
Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Finance officer of the University
of Burdwan or a cash challan of the University cash counter of requisite price
for the following posts. Completed application in the prescribed form along
with photocopies of two sets of all credentials must reach the office of the Registrar, Burdwan University,
Rajbati, Burdwan West Bengal by November 20,
2014 (Through
proper channel, in case of already employed candidates). No TA/DA is admissible
for attending the interview. It should be noted that possession of minimum
eligibility shall not confer any right to be called for interview. Incomplete
applications will be rejected. Selection need not be confined to those who
apply formally.