Air India Limited are
invited applications for Recruitment
to the post of Trainee cabin
crew (Onfixedtermengagement), as per the details given below.
Name of Post:- Trainee
cabin crew (On fixed term engagement)
No. of Vacancies:-
(Male) – 20 Northern (Female) – 101
Southern (Male) – 10
Southern (Female) – 30
Qualification :- Graduate
from a recognized University OR
10+2 and three years’ Degree/Diploma
in Hotel Management and Catering Technology from a Government recognized
Institute OR
10+2 with at least one year
experience in passenger interface in an Airline or Hospitality Services
Experience :- The following
areas of Airline and Hospitality services will be considered relevant for the
purpose of determining eligibility in experience
Passenger Services in Airline/Airport
Terminal Handling/IATA accredited Travel & Tourism Agency Call
Centre/BPO Front Office/Guest Relations/Hostess or Steward in 3 Star &
above rated Hotels or in reputed Food/Coffee/Restaurant chains.
Age:- Between 18
and 25 years (Relaxable upto 5 years in case of SC/ST and 3 years in case of
OBC categories)
Marital Status: – Unmarried
Physical Standards:– Height
Female - Minimum 160
cms. Male - Minimum 172
cms. {Relaxation of 5 cms for SC/ST candidates & those from North East
states & hilly states (Subject to domicile proof} - BMI should be as
per CAR issued by the DGCA (Click here to DOWNLOAD).
Formula for calculating BMI = Weight in Kgs
Height in meters X Height in meters
Vision: Near Vision:
N/5 in better eye and N/6 in worst eye. Distant vision: 6/6 in one eye &
6/9 in another eye Spectacles not allowed. Contact lenses up to + 2D permitted
How to Apply :-Interested
candidates, who fulfill the above requirements, can applyeither Online Or
Through Post (Candidates Are Strictly Advised To Apply Through One Mode Only)
Applicable For Candidateswho Wish To
Apply Online:
Candidates who wish to apply online
are advised to log on to Career Page of Air
India Website: and fill in
the Online Application Format.
Before applying ONLINE, please ensure
that you are ready with the following documents/information: -
1. A valid
e-mail ID
2. A
Digital/Scanned Passport-size Photograph (Size 10 KB to 35 KB ONLY) in JPG/JPEG
3. A Medical Certificate from a MBBS
Doctor stating therein Height in Centimeters (cms), Weight in Kilograms (Kgs)
and Body Mass Index (BMI) and Colour Vision (Colour Blindness). The details
with regard to Physical Standards, Doctor’s name & Registration Number of
the Doctor will be required while filling the Online Application Form.
Candidates will be required to bring the said Medical Certificate in original
at the time of appearing for GD & PAT.
4. Candidates using contact lenses
will also be required to bring a certificate from an Ophthalmologist giving
therein the power of lenses. Candidates, who have undergone lasik surgery for
correction of eyesight, will be required to bring a Certificate from an
Ophthalmologist/supporting documents indicating therein the date on which, they
have undergone for lasik surgery.
5. A non-refundable Demand Draft for
Rs.600/- (Rupees Six Hundred only) in favour of AIR INDIA LIMITED, payable at
DELHI in case of applying for NORTHERN REGION or payable at CHENNAI in case of
applying for SOUTHERN REGION. Candidates would be required to submit the said
Demand Draft at the time of GD & PAT (Not applicable for SC/ST candidates).
6. For SC/ST/OBC candidates only-
Caste Certificate details - such as date of issuance and issuing authority.
(Candidates belonging to OBC categories must be in possession of caste
certificate in the prescribed proforma issued by the appropriate authority for
Central Government employment.)
Candidates may send their typed and
signed applications through ORDINARY POST ONLY in prescribed application format
available on Career Page of our Website:, along with a recent
passport size photograph duly pasted and a Demand Draft of Rs.600/- (Rupees Six
Hundred only – not applicable for SC/ST candidates) in favour of AIR INDIA
LIMITED, payable at DELHI in case of applying for NORTHERN REGION or payable at
CHENNAI in case of applying for SOUTHERN REGION, so as to reach the following
address ON OR BEFORE
In case of applying for NORTHERN
REGION – General Manager (Personnel) Air India Limited,
Northern Region, Admin. Building,Opposite Post Office, IGI Airport,
Terminal-1, New Delhi-110037
In case of applying for SOUTHERN
REGION – General Manager
(Personnel) Air India Limited, Northern Region, Admin. Building,Opposite
Post Office, IGI Airport, Terminal-1,
New Delhi-110037
General Manager (Personnel) Air India
Limited, Southern Region,
Airlines House,Meenambakkam,