IDBI Bank Ltd are
invited applications for Recruitment to the post of Security Officer - Grade ‘B’, as per the
details given below.
Name of Post:- S ecurity
Officer - Grade ‘B’
No. of Vacancies:- 10
Scale of Pay :-
Age:- As per GoI
guidelines. (Relaxation = SC/ST - 5 years; OBC- 3 years; PH- 10
Examination Fee (Non-Refundable):- Only
Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) towards postal charges is payable by
the applicants belonging to the SC or Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and
Ex- Servicemen categories and
Rs. 600/- (Rupees Six hundred only)
towards application fee and postal charges by all other categories (i.e.
General and OBC). Applicants are required to make payment of the fee in
cash at any of the branches of IDBI Bank Ltd. (IDBI). Proforma of the
challan to be used for payment through IDBI are displayed on the Bank's
website. Applicants may download the challan and approach the bank branch
for making payments. Please note that the challans would not be
available in any of the branches of the bank and has to be necessarily
downloaded from the Bank's website.
On payment of the requisite fee, the
concerned branch of IDBI Bank would generate a unique 14 or 10 digit code
number, which would be recorded on the counterfoil of the challan. Copy of
the challan (applicant’s copy and Bank's copy) duly stamped would be
returned to the applicants as proof of receipt of the fee.
The applicants after making payment
of fee as indicated above would thereafter apply for the post. The applicants
would be required to enter the 14 or 10 digit unique numbers in the application
The payment of fee would be accepted
only during the banking hours at the respective bank’s branches from October
27, 2014 to November 15, 2014 (Both days inclusive).
The dates for payment of fee would be
the same even for applicants applying from far-flung areas. No other mode of
payment of application fee would be acceptable.
Applicants are advised to go through
the advertisement thoroughly and ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility
criteria before making payment of fee and postal charges as fee once paid will
not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances.
How to Apply :- Interested
& Eligible Candidates may Apply. Prescribed application form
available on below link. The application form should be typed
or neatly handwritten in English on a good quality "White A- 4
size" paper. The application must have the latest passport size
photograph affixed and duly signed across. Application must be complete in
all respects. Incomplete and illegible applications will be
Application should be accompanied by
Bank’s copy of challan, attested copies of relevant certificate(s) /
documents, in support of proof of age, category, educational qualification,
work experience, etc. as mentioned in the application form. Please
note that the applications without complete documents are liable to be
Candidates are required to have a
valid personal email ID and Mobile No. It should be kept active during the
currency of this recruitment project as Bank may send alerts /
notification relating to call letters for interview through the registered
email ID. In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal email ID,
he/she should create his/ her new email ID before applying for the post.
Under no circumstances, he/she should share/ mention email ID to/ or of
any other person.
The application form along with
attested copies of relevant certificate/s may be sent by ordinary post
only. The application form complete in all respects and duly signed should
be sent in a cover super scribed as “Application for the post of
Security Officer – Grade B” and addressed to The General
Manager – Recruitment Section, Human Resources Department, IDBI Bank Ltd.,
IDBI Tower, 21st floor, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005.
The duly filled application form can
also be deposited in box specially kept for the purpose at the Reception
counter of IDBI Bank Ltd. IDBI Tower, Ground Floor, WTC Complex, Cuffe
Parade, Mumbai – 400 005.
Applications complete in all respects
alongwith attested copies of the required documents should reach the Bank on or
before November 15, 2014. Applications received after November 15, 2014
(November 22, 2014 for candidates from far flung areas) will not be
Important Dates:-
Payment of Application Fees October
27, 2014 to November 15, 2014
Last Date of Receipt of
Applications: November 15, 2014
Last Date of Receipt of Applications
from far-flung areas November 22, 2014
Date of Personal Interview Would be
intimated through Interview call letters.