Recently we have post the Advertisement Notification of Recruitment of 6748 Armed Branch Constables in Assam Police. In this post we are going to give details about the Syllabus and Pattern of Examination in details are given below.
Selection Procedure:- Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect will have to undergo the Physical Standards Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET). If any candidate is found to have any physical deformity to be detected by the Medical Officer present in the Selection Board, he/ she will be debarred from participating in the other tests. Marks for PET will be awarded for the PETs in the manner shown below:
1600 Meters Race
1200 Meters Race
100 Meters Sprint
80 MetersSprint
Long Jump
Long Jump
High Jump
One Jump
1. A candidate gets eliminated from the recruitment process as soon as
he/she fails to qualify in any PST or PET. A candidate may have to take the PETs in any sequence.
2. Individual statement of marks signed by the candidate and the examiner conducting the race/ tests will be given to the candidates. This will be given to a candidate when he/she is eliminated from the Test or on completion of all the Tests as the case may be. Marks for extra-curricular activities and special skills will not be announced instantly as this may involve further verification of information.
3. Video recording with date/ time stamp of the PST and PET events for each candidate would be undertaken. Performances will also be announced through PA system.
4. All Candidates will be subjected to biometric recordings for identification.
5. Results of the PST and PET will be locally displayed at the end of each day of Test. However, candidates shall have no claim or right to appear in the Written Test merely on the ground that they secured the minimum qualifying standards in the PST and PET. After completion of the PST and PET for all the candidates, District-wise merit lists for each category (Gen, OBC, MOBC, SC, ST(P), ST(H) for both men and women) will be prepared on the basis of the total marks scored on PET. Candidates will be called for the Written Test in order of merit at the rate of 5 (five) times the number of posts allotted in respect of each category. If the total number of qualifying candidates turns out to be less than 5 times the number of posts, all qualifying candidates but no other will be called for the Written Test. If there are candidates scoring the same marks in PET as the last candidate selected for the written test by the 5 times formula in a particular case, the candidates scoring the same marks will also be called for the written examination, and therefore the number may exceed the 5 times to that extent for that particular case and category only.
6. Written Test will be conducted throughout the State on one day at each district HQ. The date of the written test will be notified later.
Written Test:- Written test will consist of 50 multiple choice type questions to be answered on an OMR answer sheet. For each correct answer the candidate will get half a mark. Questions will be of the level of class IX and X. Total marks for the Written Test will be 25.
Extra-curricular activities and special skills: Max marks 15
1. Educational Qualification : Max marks 5
2. NCC/Home Guard/ Sports : Max marks 5
3. Diploma/Technical qualification from ITI/Polytechnic or other recognized Institute, or in Computer Application from a recognized/ accredited Institute: Max marks 5
Final results would be based on the marks obtained as follows:
a) Marks awarded in PET– Maximum marks 60.
b) Multiple choice objective type Written Test:– Maximum marks 25
c) Extra-curricular activities and special skills:– Maximum marks 15.
Total 100 marks.
Detailed scheme for award of marks for PET, Written Test and for Extra-curricular and special skills can be seen in detailed guidelines in the website:
Select List:- District-wise select lists against the respective allocated vacancies will be prepared for each category (SC/ST(P)/ST(H)/OBC/MOBC) for both men and Women, based on the total marks obtained by the candidates. The select lists will be published in leading News Papers and through other available media. No waiting list will be prepared.
General Instructions:- i. District-wise Helpline numbers will be notified through the Assam Police website.
ii. No T.A/D.A will be admissible to candidates for the journey and stay during any stage of the recruitment.
iii. The select lists confer no right to appointment unless the department is satisfied about suitability of the candidate after a thorough medical examination and such enquiry and verification as may be considered necessary before appointment to the service/posts.
iv. Candidates have to appear in all the stages of recruitment. If a candidate is absent from any stage/ event his/her candidature will be cancelled.
v. Candidature will be summarily rejected at any stage of the recruitment process for not conforming to the official format/having incomplete information/wrong information/ incomplete requisite certificate / misrepresentation of facts/ impersonation.
vi. The select list will remain valid for appointment from date of announcement of the result for one year or till the date of next advertisement of similar post whichever is earlier.
vii. On appointment, the candidate shall be governed by the Assam Police Act, 2007 and Rules and orders of the Government issued from time to time.
viii. A selected candidate will be required to join and work in any District or Unit anywhere in the State of Assam. The district from where a candidate gets selected will have nothing to do with his/her place of posting.
ix. Appointed persons shall be entitled to pension benefits as per the pension scheme existing at the time of appointment.
x. Selected candidates shall be required to undergo basic police training at place and time decided by the competent authority. They will be on probation for a period of one year which may be extended if required. Any candidate who fails to complete the training or is found unsuitable for the job in any manner during the period of probation will be discharged from service.
xi. The DGP Assam reserves the right to make changes or cancel or postpone the recruitment process.
xii. The physical tests are strenuous and candidates who are in proper medical condition only should take the tests. Assam Police will not be liable for any injury or casualty suffered by a candidate during the tests due to any pre-existing medical condition.
xiii. Fake documents/ false information/ misrepresentation of facts shall lead to rejection when detected at any stage before or after selection/appointment and shall make the candidate liable to criminal proceeding.
xiv. Appointees will have to sign an agreement whereby he/ she will be required to serve a minimum period of 3 (three) years after being posted anywhere or in default to refund the cost of training and travelling expenses paid by the government.
Transparent Process:- 1. Candidates and the general public are requested to help SLPRB in conducting the recruitment in a just, fair and transparent manner.
2. A candidate is NOT required to pay any amount of money at any stage of the recruitment process except for medical investigations, if required to be done before appointment.
3. Any complaint about demand for money or other malpractice can be registered at the web link provided for the purpose, or sent to
4. Complaints may also be sent by post to the following address:
SLPRB Office of the Addl. Director General of Police (TAP) Assam Police HQ, Ulubari, Guwahati-781007
5. Anonymous complaints may not be entertained.
6. Offering of bribe for any favour by a candidate or on his/her behalf is a criminal offence. Such an activity may result in immediate disqualification of his/her candidature. Candidates who are appearing in Assam Police Recruitment Exam. to Best of Luck.