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National Highways Authority of India Recruitment 2013 - 12 Various Vacancies

(NHAI) National Highways Authority of India are invited applications for recruitment to the various posts on Deputation basis, as per the details given below:

Name of Post :- Manager (Planning & Information Systems)
No. Of  Vacancies :- 06
Scale of Pay :- PB-3 (Rs. 15,600-39,100/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 6600/-
Qualification :- Essential:
(i) Degree from a recognized University.
(ii) Post graduate diploma in Computer Science/Information Technology/Communication Technology from a University/Institute/Organization of repute or MBA with MIS/IT as major subject from a Management Institute of repute.
Desirable: Post Graduate Degree in MCA from recognized University or equivalent qualification from an Institute of repute. Knowledge of hardware & software features and/or communication systems and ability to deal independently with such features would be highly desirable.
Experience:  Essential: 05 years’ experience in a responsible senior position of which atleast 01 year should be in the grade next below in computer based MIS work of a Govt. Deptt./Organization or a commercial organization of repute dealing with computer hardware/ software/Information Technology.
Desirable: Experience of about 3 years in the field of MIS dealing with highways engineering/construction or any other allied form of service transport.

Name of Post :-  Manager (Legal)
No. of  Vacancies :- 02
Scale of Pay :-   PB-3 (Rs. 15,600-39,100/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 6600/-             
Qualification :-  Essential:
A Degree in Law from a recognized University.
Desirable: Master’s Degree in Law from a recognized University.
Experience: At least three years experience in the field of Law/Legislative matters and well versed in legal obligations relating to contractual matters and arbitrations/claims. 

Name of Post :- Junior Hindi Translator
No. of  Vacancies :- 03
Scale of Pay :- PB-2 (Rs.9,300-34,800) with Grade Pay Rs.4200/-             
Qualification :-  Essential:
(i) Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at degree level;
or  Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi or English medium and English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at degree level;
or  Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as s compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level;
and (ii) Recognized Diploma or Certificate Course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-a-versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central or State Government offices, including Government of India undertaking.
Desirable:- (i) Knowledge at the level of Matriculation of a recognized Board or equivalent of one of the languages other than Hindi mentioned in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.
OR (ii) Degree or Diploma in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa from a recognized University.

Name of Post :- Staff Car Driver
No. of  Vacancies :- 01
Scale of Pay :- PB-1 (Rs.5,200-20,200) with Grade Pay Rs.1900/-            
Qualification :- Essential:
Professional skill in driving motor mechanism and possession of valid driving license.
Desirable: Middle school standard pass. 

How to Apply :- Interested & Eligible Candidates may Apply. Prescribed  application form available on  below link.  Completed application in all respect along with the copies of attested relevant certificates should be reached to the Shri M.K. Sinha,
DGM (HR/Admn.),
National Highways Authority of India,
G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110 075 sent by Registered/Speed Post, through proper channel wherever applicable, to the following address, within 30 days of date of publication of advertisement i.e. latest by 10.09.2013.
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